Shetland’s mussel farms, supported by Seafood Shetland, are responsible for around two-thirds of Scotland’s mussel production.
Rope grown mussels from farms in the Shetland Islands and around the Scottish mainland within the Scottish Shellfish Marketing Group became the first enhanced fisheries in Scotland to be MSC-certified in June 2012.
Mussel spat (seed) settlement in the area occurs generally in April-May, although earlier and later spawning also may take place. Each farm collects its own stock from wild spat-fall. The settled spat is then grown on ropes suspended from 200 to 400m longlines supported by plastic floats.
Each rope dropper, on which the mussels are grown, may yield between 5 to 7kg of marketable mussels. When they are ready for harvest, each dropper is raised from the water and the mussels removed either by hand or by machine. They may then be transferred to a shore-based facility or the next stages may take place on board the harvesting vessel. The mussels are separated, washed and graded, again by hand or automated line. Small mussels may be re-tubed and returned to the sea for further growth.
“The environment has always been key to our whole operation, so we remain focused on sustaining it.”
Chief Executive, Seafood Shetland