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MSC and ASC UK Awards 2024

MSC and ASC UK Awards 24

The MSC and ASC UK Awards celebrate outstanding achievements and performance in sustainable fishing and responsible aquaculture across the entire UK business spectrum.

This year we will be back in the South West of England. With several major UK ports, fishing is an integral part of life in the Southwest economy, environment and community, and we're excited to be hosting our awards there once more! 


Thank you to our Sponsors

MSC UK Awards sponsors logos

Voting is live for the MSC UK Product of the Year 2024

Cast your vote for the Product of the Year 2024

You can vote multiple times for the product you'd like to win but only once in a 24-hour period. With every vote you have the opportunity to enter our prize draw for a Red inflatable paddle board, a £200 and £100 Finisterre voucher. The winner will be announced at the Awards in October. Voting closes on the 30th of August.
Cast your vote for the Product of the Year 2024

All other self-nomination categories are open, the forms are listed under the relevant categories below. 

The 2024 MSC Award Categories

Nominated by the MSC Fisheries team and scored by our expert judging panel. This award recognises and rewards leadership in furthering the sustainability of fisheries.

Peer-nominated and scored by our expert judging panel. Awarded to a fisher who has gone above and beyond in championing the importance of sustainability in/for the catching sector.

Click here for the peer-nominated form.

Judged by the MSC through self-nominations by MSC certified foodservice suppliers. Awarded to a supplier who has supported their customers in identifying new MSC products and species for restaurant businesses and demonstrated commitment to driving progress of certified sustainable seafood within the UK foodservice sector.

Click here for the self-nomination form.

Nominated by the MSC Commercial team and scored by our expert judging panel. Awarded to a foodservice business that has gone above and beyond in serving MSC labelled products on their menu.

Awarded to an MSC partner that has newly demonstrated a strong commitment to the MSC programme, helping safeguard seafood supplies and protect our oceans over the past financial year.

Self-nominated and decided via public vote. Awarded for exceptional effort in product innovation and commitment to rewarding and promoting sustainable fishing practices.

Click here to cast your vote.

Judged by the MSC, based on the number of labelled products sold and the progress made on the volume, value and number of products sold over the last financial year. 
Recognition is also given for brands that have 100% of their wild seafood range carrying the blue MSC ecolabel.

Self-nominated and judged by the MSC. Awarded for partner marketing efforts throughout the financial year that feature the MSC and champion the importance of seafood sustainability generating consumer awareness around the blue MSC ecolabel. 

Click here for the self-nomination form.

Self-nominated and judged by the MSC. Awarded for a campaign that features the MSC and champions the importance of seafood sustainability generating consumer awareness around the blue MSC ecolabel. 

Click here for the self-nomination form.

Self-nominated and judged by the MSC. This award recognises a brand with an online sales channel that has used its platform to champion sustainable seafood, promote certified products and raise awareness around the blue MSC ecolabel. 

Click here for the self-nomination form.

Judged by the MSC based on nominations from UK retailers.

Judged by the progress made and totals of: number of MSC labelled products, percentage of total range certified, and volume (tonnes) of MSC fish and seafood on sale at supermarkets during the past financial year. 

This year there will be a bronze, silver and gold award for the supermarkets which have made the most progress over the past financial year.

The 2024 ASC UK Award Categories

Judged on progress made and totals of: number of ASC labelled products, and volume (tonnes) of ASC fish and seafood on sale at retail stores.
The ASC UK Retailer Supplier of the Year Award is nominated by a retailer and presented to a UK-based, ASC certified supplier that champions sustainable seafood for the retail industry. 
Judged on progress made and totals of: number of ASC labelled products, and volume (tonnes) of ASC fish and seafood on sale at UK retail stores.

The Judges

Mitch Tonks

Mitch Tonks

Highly acclaimed and award-winning seafood restaurateur, chef, food writer and supporter of sustainable fishing and the industry, Mitch Tonks is a long-standing MSC UK ambassador.

Categories judging:

Fishing Hero of the Year, Ocean Leadership and Foodservice Champion of the Year


Dr Eleanor Adamson

Eleanor is Fisheries Programme Manager at The Fishmongers’ Company (Fisheries Charitable Trust). She advises on a range of science, policy and education-related programmes and grants that support marine and freshwater conservation, fisheries, aquaculture, and seafood trading in the UK.

Categories judging:

Fishing Hero of the Year, Ocean Leadership and Foodservice Champion of the Year


Dr Eleanor Adamson
CJ Jackson

CJ Jackson

CJ Jackson has been the CEO of Billingsgate Seafood School since 2005. As a charity, based above the largest inland fish market in the UK, CJ and her team deliver a large range of courses for children and schools, industry training and the general public.

Categories judging:

Fishing Hero of the Year, Ocean Leadership and Foodservice Champion of the Year


Dr Bryce Stewart

Bryce is a marine ecologist and fisheries biologist whose work has ranged from temperate estuaries to tropical coral reefs and the deep-sea. He gained a BSc(Hons) (Zoology) from the University of Melbourne, and a PhD (Marine Biology) from James Cook University.

Categories judging:

Fishing Hero of the Year, Ocean Leadership and Foodservice Champion of the Year


Dr Bryce Stewart
Donna Fordyce

Donna Fordyce

Donna Fordyce is the Chief Executive of Seafood Scotland, the national trade marketing body for the Scottish seafood industry. Prior to that, she held a number of roles with the organisation, initially as an industry engagement specialist before moving into the leadership role. Donna has a passion for the seafood industry and excellent knowledge of all aspects of the supply chain.

Categories judging:

Fishing Hero of the Year, Ocean Leadership and Foodservice Champion of the Year


Yasmin Meeda

Yasmin Meeda (@marinebiologywithyaz) is a marine microbiologist and science communicator, who's currently completing a PhD in Marine Microbiology at the University of Exeter and the Marine Biological Association. 

Yasmin’s research focuses on exploring how microscopic algae, called diatoms, can survive in a changing ocean environment.

Categories judging:

Marketing Champion of the Year, Marketing Campaign on the Year


Yasmin Meeda

MSC UK Awards 10 year retrospective

MSC UK Awards 10 year retrospective

Learn more about previous awards


