Our Improvement Program was developed to incentivise better, faster improvement, towards levels where fisheries can confidently enter the MSC certification program.
Why should fisheries join the Improvement Program?
The program offers a structured, measurable path towards certified sustainability. We have developed improvement tools that help fisheries identify where changes are needed, develop their improvement action plans, and monitor progress.
Conformity assessment bodies (CABs) that have been accredited to perform MSC assessments carry out an independent verification of the improvements being made. This enables fisheries to demonstrate progress to all stakeholders.
While fisheries in the MSC Improvement program cannot use the MSC ecolabel, they may access MSC certified supply chains once they meet certain performance criteria. Additionally, products may display a short statement on the back of their packaging.
What does the Program involve?
There are three stages to the MSC Improvement program:
1. Entering the program
A fishery needs to be independently assessed by a conformity assessment body (CAB) to confirm it is eligible. The CAB can then apply to the program
on the fishery’s behalf.
2. Regular review of progress
A CAB will verify the fishery’s progress against its action plan. Fisheries are aiming to improve their scores against the Performance Indicators identified through
pre-assessment (or an assessment report against the MSC Fisheries Standard).
3. Entering assessment against the MSC Fisheries Standard
A fishery is expected to enter assessment against our Standard within five years.
This will
enable fisheries to demonstrate the credibility of their commitment to sustainability.
Does the program work?
The In-Transition to MSC pilot program, which began in 2019, laid the groundwork for the Improvement Program.
In August 2024, ICV Africa, a component of the South African Albacore tuna pole and line fishery became the first fishery to successfully achieve MSC certification following inclusion in the ITM program.
In the UK, the MSC has seen success with its work on fisheries improvements, through its secretariat support for Project UK, which leads a series of FIPs nationwide. Project UK aims to move UK fisheries towards a more sustainable fishing future, step by step, with reaching the gold standard of MSC certification as the ultimate goal.
How can fisheries apply?
The program is open year-round to applications from fisheries that meet the eligibility requirements.
If you are interested in applying or would like to know more about the program, please contact your local MSC office.
Apply for financial support

Eligibility requirements
The MSC Improvement program is open for applications from any fishery, regardless of size or location.
To be eligible, fisheries must:
- Be committed to achieving certification and plan on entering assessment against the MSC Fisheries Standard within five years.
- Be within the scope of the MSC program.
- Have completed an MSC pre-assessment in the last three years that uses the full scoring sections in the current MSC pre-assessment template. This must have been conducted or verified by an accredited conformity assessment body (CAB).
- Or, have a valid MSC assessment report.
- Develop an improvement action plan that is verified by a CAB.
- Use the defined MSC improvement tools, including the MSC benchmarking and tracking tool and progress verification reporting template, to track progress against the MSC Fisheries Standard.
- Have a project manager who can dedicate time to implementing improvements.