What is overfishing?
Overfishing occurs when too many fish in a particular stock are caught and there are not enough adults to breed and sustain a healthy population. How do we combat overfishing?
What is sustainable fishing?
Sustainable fishing means leaving enough fish in the ocean, respecting habitats and ensuring people who depend on fishing can maintain their livelihoods.
Oceans at risk
Climate change, illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing, and unwanted bycatch are some of the issues contributing to overfishing.
The role of science and reaserch
Sustainable fishing requires the support, dedicated work and expertise of experienced marine researchers and scientists. Learn how scientists help fisheries protect our oceans.
More about the MSC

Our approach
The MSC incentivises fisheries, suppliers and retailers to create a more sustainable seafood market.

What does the blue MSC ecolabel mean?
The blue MSC ecolabel is the world’s most recognised label for sustainable seafood.

UK and Ireland State of the Water Report
The positive impact the MSC certification is having on the UK and Irish fisheries that have chosen to be assessed against the MSC Fisheries Standard.