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Our new fisheries hub shines a light on the fisheries across the UK and ROI working tirelessly to provide MSC certified seafood to retailers and restaurants at home and overseas.

From Shetland’s crabs to Ireland’s mussels, and from the Dee’s cockles to Cornwall’s sardines, fisheries from across the UK and Ireland are committed to ensuring that fish stocks are managed sustainably with minimal impacts on the wider marine environment. Their efforts are helping to safeguard seafood supplies for this and future generations.

Read on to learn more about each fishery’s journey to certification, find out where to buy UK and Irish seafood with the blue ecolabel, and get your hands on the latest mouth-watering recipes!  

Because it doesn’t just take fishers committing to fishing sustainably - it takes you to choose the blue fish too.

UK & Irish Fisheries Map

UK Fisheries map