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The Scottish haddock fleet has long had an excellent reputation for sustainability, and this fishery has been certified since 2010. The fishery is carried out by vessels covered by membership of the Scottish Fisheries Sustainability Assessment Group (SFSAG) which consists of all the Scottish Producer Organisations, as well as several fishermen associations. The members represent the majority of the Scottish demersal industry operating in the mixed demersal fisheries of the North Sea and West of Scotland.

The vessels target the bottom-feeding fish, which are found at depths of 40 to 200m mostly in the northern and central areas of the North Sea, but can range as far south as the Humber Estuary. Boats use demersal trawls and seines, either singly or in pairs, with pair seine gear being lighter than the equivalent trawl gear and generally reducing fuel costs. 

The whole fleet has improved its gear to reduce bycatch and all nets are governed by the same mesh regulations, which require 120mm mesh cod-ends.

Tonnage by species as of 2022:

  • Haddock: 15,213
  • Saithe: 4,310
  • Plaice: 2,146
  • Hake: 2,398
  • Whiting: 10,640

Fishing in action

Catching demersal stocks

The fishery uses a range of gear types including Scottish seines and bottom trawls. Learn more about bottom trawls.


Pelagic or midwater trawl illustration

 UK Fisheries map - MSC