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Cans and tins are great. There are plenty of dishes you can make using them that are delicious and simple to prepare, making them perfect on-the-go meals this summer.

Here are five simple recipes that use sustainable tinned fish or can be easily adapted.

Tuna pizza

Pizza with tuna

Fancy a classic stay-at-home staple but haven’t got pizza dough? This adaptable recipe from Swedish MasterChef winner Sandra Mastio makes things easy. This is a quick way to make a filling feast using tortillas or wraps and some of the tinned tuna and potatoes you may have stocked up. 

Tuna fishcakes

Tuna fish cakes on board with coriander and lemon

A tin of sustainable tuna, some eggs, breadcrumbs and something with strong flavour are all you need for these delicious fishcakes. MasterChef Australia winner Elena Duggan uses chives, dill and capers, but you can add bite however you like: leeks, garlic and mixed herbs are good substitutes.

Vitello Tonnato

Serving suggestion for Vitello Tonato - on a plate with salad in the middle

A quick, blender classic from Bart van Olphen. This Vitello Tonnato dish is made with veal but it can be substituted with any cold meat you have in the fridge. What’s important here is the sauce. The key ingredients are tinned anchovies and tuna of which there are many MSC-certified sustainable options available.

Sardines in masala

sardines in masala

This spicy sardine recipe, another from Bart, is a great addition to a summer picnic. If using tinned, you might need a few but the prep work has been done for you. They may pack a punch but serve with cool tzatziki.

Salmon and quinoa mason jar salad

Shrimp cocktail in glass seen from above

This healthy, well-balanced salmon salad is also fun to make. The dressing is easy and uses simple ingredients but bursts with flavour. The recipe is from dietitian, chef and author Shahzadi Devje.

Find out more

Where to buy MSC certified seafood

Where to buy MSC certified seafood

The retailers and brands that sell MSC labelled seafood.

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What does the blue MSC ecolabel mean

What does the blue MSC ecolabel mean

The blue MSC ecolabel is only applied to wild fish or seafood from fisheries certified to the MSC Fisheries Standard, a scientific measure of sustainable fishing.