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Meet Laura Park: Masters student at the University of Plymouth studying Ocean Science and Marine Conservation, and World Oceans Day Youth Advisory Council member.

Growing up on the coast cemented Laura's drive to contribute to the ocean and its inhabitants.  Throughout her education, she has gained experience in fieldwork, performing data collection, beach surveys, water sampling and filtering, and side-scan sonar surveys of the seafloor. Laura has also spent time in South Africa, where she spent time collecting opportunistic data on whaling and contributed to regular beach cleans, river health surveys and seal count surveys. Laura believes that if we all work together, the successful protection of our oceans is completely doable.

Ocean Ambassador Q&A


What do you find most inspiring about the oceans and why do you think they’re worth fighting for?

Amongst my earliest memories is a love for the ocean. Having grown up on the coast and seeing both the beauty of the natural environment and the destruction that people can cause, I was inspired to conserve and maintain this beautiful ecosystem. The ocean is vastly unexplored with so many unknowns left to discover, yet, of the little we do know, it is the most important global resource we have. This global ecosystem is worth fighting for as it acts as an essential life force for the majority of the population whilst acting as an important sea defence from different weather disasters. To conserve the ocean is to help sustain life. 

How big a challenge for humankind, is the protection of our oceans?

The protection of our oceans is not as big a challenge as we might think. Simply by changing small parts of our daily routines we can significantly help. By reducing waste and single-use plastic, by walking or cycling somewhere we would normally drive, by choosing only seafood that is sustainable and allows stocks to replenish. It is completely doable, we just all have to try together.

Congratulations on becoming an Ocean Youth Ambassador on the World Oceans Day Youth Advisory Committee! What led you to apply? 

Thank you! As I was an Ocean Science and Marine Conservation student at the University of Plymouth, I followed all the marine conservation accounts on Instagram and Twitter for constant updates and I was always looking for new opportunities. When I saw the Youth Advisory Council (YAC) being advertised, my interest was immediately peaked as I had never seen such an opportunity before, and I did some detailed research into everything a YAC member meant and what they did. From creating resources for everyone to be able to use and creating my own event for World Oceans Day every 8th June, to networking and developing relationships with other young people all over the world. As I was reading, I found myself getting more and more excited about the opportunity and started immediately preparing my application.  

What’s your favourite sustainable seafood dish? 

My favourite sustainable seafood dish would have to be the MSC certified North Atlantic crab. 

Fish or crustaceans?

To eat: crustaceans as I prefer their taste and they can be sustainably sourced quite easily in coastal waters.  

Favourite animal: fish as they are more vibrant and interesting to learn about, such as their behaviours and habitats. 

Sunrise or sunset?

Sunset. As it is a beautiful and peaceful end to whatever kind of day has been had. It is the promise that there will be a tomorrow when the sun rises.  

If you could be a marine creature which would it be?

An Orca, because of their heightened intelligence, extremely strong family and social bonds, and they are also known as "king of the sea". 

What’s your favourite thing to do in your spare time?

My favourite thing to do in my spare time is anything in the sea, for example, swimming, snorkelling and kayaking.

Are the younger generation more conscious of the food they eat?

Are the younger generation more conscious of the food they eat?

Meet all the UK Ocean Ambassadors

From award-winning chefs to frontline doctors and youth ocean advocates, the UK Ocean Ambassadors are united by a love of the oceans and the seafood they bring us.


