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Sustainable tuna success as global demand soars

Sales of certified sustainable tuna globally have more than doubled in the last five years, according to a new report published today by the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC).

More than 54,000 tonnes of tuna were sold with the globally recognised blue MSC label in 2018/19, compared with 21,500 tonnes in 2015/16. The figures for 2019/20 are expected to be even higher. UK sales of MSC certified tuna products contribute 11% to the total sales.

The rapid increase in global sales of MSC labelled sustainable tuna is the result of transformations within the fishing sector. 28% of global tuna catch is now certified to the MSC’s standards for sustainable fishing, compared with 14% in 2014. These changes have been driven by increasing retailer and consumer demand.

With the coronavirus pandemic leading to a recent surge in demand for canned tuna*, the MSC is urging both producers and consumers to continue their commitment to sustainable tuna. Published to mark World Tuna Day on Saturday 2nd May, the MSC’s Tuna Handbook provides a comprehensive guide to sourcing sustainable tuna.

Bill Holden, the MSC’s global tuna expert, said: “Over the past few months, many families will not have been able to visit or see the ocean – an inspiration and wonder to us all. But the good news is, that even in these difficult times, consumers can continue to make a difference by choosing sustainably sourced seafood. Although tuna is one of the world’s most widely consumed and popular fish, the reality is that around a third of tuna stocks remain in a fragile state. By buying tuna with the blue MSC label, shoppers are playing their part in ensuring tuna stocks are secured for future generations.” 

Shifts in global tuna production 

The volume of tuna caught to the MSC’s globally recognised standard for sustainable fishing more than doubled from 700,000 tonnes in 2014 to 1.4 million tonnes in September 2019. There are now 30 MSC certified tuna fisheries, compared with just 8 in September 2014.

These fisheries operate to globally recognised best practices for fishing sustainably, minimising their impact on the environment. They also continue to deliver improvements to safeguard tuna stocks and protect important marine species such as sharks, rays and turtles.  

Behind these changes are more than 200 companies which trade MSC certified sustainable tuna sold in 41 countries. This includes global multi-nationals responsible for some of the world’s largest tuna brands including Petit Navire, Chicken of the Sea and Genova (owned by Thai Union); and Rio Mare (owned by Bolton Food). In the UK, supermarkets Sainsbury’s, Waitrose and M&S have led the way and are selling the majority of MSC labelled tuna, with John West and Princes amongst the brands in the UK offering certified tuna on some lines, which you can find by looking for the ‘blue fish’.

Steven Adolf, the author of the recently published book, Tuna Wars said: “The surge in popularity of tuna at the end of the last century, either in sushi or in cans, has resulted in a steep growth in the global tuna catch, unsustainable practices and illegal fishing. Due to the ongoing Covid-19 crisis, the need for healthy and safe proteins will only increase, adding to the pressure on our global tuna stocks. Many challenges lie ahead, but fortunately, an increasing number of fishers, retailers and brands are making bold commitments to achieve MSC certification. We must not lose this positive momentum.’’

The importance of sustainable tuna to us all

As well as providing a high protein, low-fat, versatile way of eating fish as part of a healthy diet, tuna has a huge social and economic value. The global tuna market is worth more than US$42 billion a year. More than six million people are employed within the tuna industry in the Asia-Pacific region alone.  

Globally 65% of tuna stocks are considered to be in a healthy state, with 17.5% overfished and a further 17.5% at an intermediate level.

Tuna recipes to try at home

The MSC has teamed up with chef and author Bart van Olphen to provide three easy to follow recipes using tinned or frozen tuna. You can find more recipes for tinned fish in Bart’s new book, The Tinned Fish Cookbook, due to be published on Tuesday 26th May. (ebook available now).

Notes to editors

* The surge in demand for canned tuna as a result of the coronavirus pandemic has been reported around the world including in the UKItaly,  Germany and  SpainGoogle searches for canned tuna are up 50% compared to April 2019, with a 300% year-on-year rise in queries relating to ‘what to do with canned tuna’.

  • World Tuna Day is celebrated annually on 2nd May. It is observed by the United Nations to recognise the ecological and economic importance of tuna.
  • The MSC Sustainable Tuna Handbook, Global Edition, provides a comprehensive summary of the state of global tuna stocks, the issues surrounding its sustainable harvest, global market demand and certified sustainable tuna fisheries. It was developed with input from major tuna producers and brands in the UK and aims to guide those sourcing and buying tuna towards sustainable choices. Download for free.
  • Tuna Wars: Power around the fish we love to conserve, by Steven Adolf presents the history of tuna fishing from its earliest roots. Tuna Wars tells the untold story of the power struggles emerging around tuna, from the distant past to the present-day. And, offers guidance on choosing sustainably fished tuna. It is available to buy on Springer