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Andrei Lussmann

Andrei Lussmann

Managing Director of Lussmanns sustainable dining restaurants

Successful restaurateur Andrei Lussmann tells us why sustainability is at the core of his business

With many years’ experience in the hospitality sector, Andrei Lussmann set up Lussmann’s Fish & Grill in 2002. He wanted to combine great value and service with ethically sourced food. He now has four restaurants in Hertfordshire, England, all built on the same high principles. Here he talks about his enduring commitment to good sourcing and how his business came to be MSC certified.

Lussmanns restaurant

Running an independent restaurant is a job and a half, and that’s just the hours. Throw in ever declining margins, toss in the brutal and unyielding competition of the high street chain and finish with the need to be ethical. Around 60% of restaurants close within their first year, a statistic that hasn’t changed much in decades. Today’s customer is well travelled, financially astute and all too often a self-proclaimed foodie. Bring back Michael Winner.

We were born from the ideal that you could create a locals-driven restaurant group that delivered on value and consistency, majored on ethics and was brought together by charming staff. Today we work on the same cornerstones that helped to establish us and continue to underpin our evolution.

Lussmanns has just turned 14 and, like all teenagers, is now suffering from growth spurts, spats of unhinged emotion and a desire to be a grown-up when all we should be doing is enjoying the ride.

Welfare and provenance

Gravadlax at Lussmanns

Gravadlax at Lussmanns

Doing the right thing is far from sexy and sometimes a bit of a bore. But, from an early age I was taught to understand why integrity and provenance of meat and fish mattered. That the welfare of the animal was essential with the knowledge that, if you ate meat, a little respect was the least you could afford it. Welfare has always hinged on lifestyle but, beyond this, ethical farming has long respected the land and soil, the water table and seas and, importantly, the lack of antibiotics.

100 or even 50 years ago we didn’t farm intensively. We simply ate less meat and fish, used everything including the bones, and naturally produced less waste. All of the produce was sourced locally. The way it was farmed and fished was more considered and supportive of both the environment and the animal.

Today we are time-poor and often overwhelmed by the volume of greenwash that shouts out from the supermarket aisle. Clever but often oily marketing sells sustainability well, but how much can be trusted? Thankfully, there is a cluster of UK and global certifiers that provide unrivalled detail and integrity in their audits, such as the Soil Association and the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC). These organisations establish clarity and help us all to make an informed choice.

From a coffee shop off the Portobello Road to a growing group of restaurants, the supply of good produce is fundamental. Knowing the product integrity, provenance and market value, and having a consistent supply, are all essential to the success our business. These concerns continue today, along with ever-inflationary margins continuing to challenge our decision making.

Lussmanns St Albans

Lussmanns St Albans

MSC certification for peace of mind

In the early days, after trying many fishmongers and growing tired of 3am trips to Billingsgate and Smithfield markets, I came across our present wholesale supplier, Stickleback Fish, based in Hertfordshire. We trusted them to provide the quality and quantity of fish we needed and, after developing a successful partnership, we gave them the option of becoming a shareholder. They agreed.  Almost ten years later, buying in over seven tonnes of fresh fish annually, the decision made to hedge our bets was a success, albeit it’s always good to periodically review the prices.

With so much hubbub about day boats and arguments over what is landed sustainably, it became clear that we needed a pragmatic and proactive approach. A no-nonsense perspective that clearly labelled, without fear or favour, and provided clarity in what was sustainable to fish. Hence our relationship with the MSC was born.

Fish dish at Lussmanns

Fish dish at Lussmanns

Using the MSC Chain of Custody Standard meant that, from ocean to plate, we could track what we were ordering, cooking and serving. A scientific approach to fishing, underpinned by a traceable supply chain through both parties, meant we could finally be sure where the fish we bought came from. Further still, we could know that what was hooked was in harmony with, and protected, future stocks. Ethics and sustainability became a lot clearer as we bought into a worldwide community where today’s fish are manged for tomorrow’s world – how great is that?

When George Clark, UK Commercial Manager at the MSC told me how their certification is based on good science, ensure that stocks are not overfished and that the quota is okay, I realised that there was only one approach. The MSC Standard means that fish is certified sustainable and that there will be fish in the sea in 20 years to come, and beyond. It also makes shopping and eating out easy; you don’t have to investigate the story behind every fish you purchase or order in a restaurant, you simply look for the blue MSC label like the one on our menus. Easy.

Today our beef, lamb and pork is organically reared, our chicken is local and free-range, and 100% of our fish is either MSC certified sustainable or on the Marine Conservation Society’s approved ‘fish to eat’ list.

Classy but classless, a little like a well-worn linen jacket, we will continue to embed ourselves as the locals’ favourite restaurant. A business majoring on value, consistency and charming staff, and where the ethics of what we do underpins our very existence.

Find out why sustainability is the heartbeat of Lussmanns >

Andrei has shared his favourite fish dish with us

MSC cod loin at Lussmanns

MSC certified cod loin dish

MSC certified cod loin with creamed leeks, brown shrimp and tomato concasse

Ingredients (serves one)
1 x 200g cod fillet, skin on

For the creamed leeks
95g leeks – washed & diced
100ml white wine
50ml double cream
10g unsalted butter
salt & pepper to taste

For the shrimp & tomato concasse
50g of tomatoes – peeled, seeded & chopped
15g shallots – finely chopped
25ml white wine
20g brown shrimps
10g unsalted butter
a pinch (2.5g) of flat leaf parsley – chopped
salt & pepper to taste
lemon wedge to garnish

1. Prepare all the ingredients.
2. Season and pan fry the fish over a medium heat for 8 to 10 mins, starting skin side down and turning after 5 to 6 minutes.
3. Meanwhile, blanch the leeks in boiling water, strain them and return to the hot pan. Add the white wine and reduce, then add the double cream until the liquid has evaporated. Season to taste.
4. In a separate pan, melt the butter and cook the shallots until they are transparent. Then add the white wine, tomatoes, shrimps, parsley and seasoning and heat for a couple of minutes until cooked through and reduced.
5. Lay the cod on top of the creamed leeks, then spoon the shrimp and tomato butter over the fish.
6. Serve immediately with a lemon wedge and fresh seasonal vegetables.