Check out our games and activities for classrooms. On this page, you'll find group activities and experiments that complement our other educational resources.
MSC - Go fish!
Description: | This game aims to help learners understand how human and physical processes interact to influence, and change the marine environment; and how human activity relies on effective functioning of natural systems. |
Date of issue: | 15 November 2018 |
MSC - The string game
Description: | This game is a great way to introduce the idea of connections between organisms in a food web. |
Version: | 3.00 |
Date of issue: | 26 November 2024 |

Learning Resources
Browse our teacher-friendly selection of curriculum-linked lesson plans and resources for geography and science classrooms, including worksheets, photos, fact sheets, and discussion topics.

Film and clips
Our award-winning film is a great 15-minute introduction to ocean sustainability. Hungry for more? Explore our library of bite-sized clips available to watch and download.

For children
Check back for more activities, downloads, and games appropriate for children.

Teachers and parents
Discover how everyone can play a role in keeping our oceans healthy for generations to come! Explore our full catalog of learning resources today.