Browse our teacher-friendly selection of curriculum-linked lesson plans and resources for geography and science classrooms, including worksheets, photos, fact sheets, and discussion topics.

Film and clips
Why not introduce ocean sustainability with our award winning film or a short film clip, created with young people and their teachers in mind?

Games and activities
Check out our games and activities for classrooms, including group activities and experiments that compliment our other learning and film resources.

Kahoot quizzes
Take a dive into a topic, or assess learners’ knowledge and understanding with our quizzes.

Lesson plans
Curriculum-linked lesson plans and learning ideas for geography and science classrooms.

Interactive story
Explore how to end overfishing with our interactive story – it comes with activities for learners, suggested lesson plans and a technical guide.

Kahoot quizzes
Take a dive into a topic, or assess learners’ knowledge and understanding with our quizzes.