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Our award-winning film is a great 15-minute introduction to ocean sustainability. Hungry for more? Explore our library of bite-sized clips available to watch and download.

My dad the fisherman

My dad the fisherman



To download the videos open them in a new tab, right click and save video as.
Learning Resources

Learning Resources

Browse our teacher-friendly selection of curriculum-linked lesson plans and resources for geography and science classrooms, including worksheets, photos, fact sheets, and discussion topics.

Games and activities

Games and activities

Check out our games and activities for classrooms. On this page, you'll find group activities and experiments that complement our other educational resources.

For Children

For Children

Check back for more activities, downloads, and games appropriate for children.

Teachers and Parents

Teachers and Parents

Discover how everyone can play a role in keeping our oceans healthy for generations to come! Explore our full catalog of learning resources today.