Sustainably managing our natural resources to protect biodiversity will mean that our oceans remain productive, resilient, and adaptable to environmental changes.

Biodiversity and Fishing
Unsustainable fishing can negatively impact biodiversity. The MSC program incentivizes sustainable fishing practices that ensure target stocks are healthy, fisheries are well managed, and the impacts on biodiversity are actively minimized.

Protecting Endangered, Threatened, and Protected Species
Species such as birds, turtles, and marine mammals can be attracted to or disrupted by fishing vessels, putting them at risk of harm. The MSC ensures that certified fisheries allow the recovery of all endangered, threatened, and protected (ETP) species.

Maintaining Fish Stocks
Sustainable fish stocks are at the heart of the MSC program. Ensuring that the world’s fish stocks remain healthy is vital for marine ecosystems and global food security.

Managing Bycatch
Even sustainable fishing can include some level of bycatch, but in the MSC program, effects can be minimized to prevent long-term impact on the wider ecosystem.