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Environmental concerns prompting more than a third of American consumers to switch diets amid growing concern for the ocean

Washington, D.C., June 7, 2024 – Anxiety about the state of the world’s oceans among American seafood consumers is on the rise, according to a new global survey by the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC), released ahead of the UN’s World Oceans Day on Saturday (June 8). 91% of American seafood consumers say they are worried – an increase from 82% when the survey was last conducted in 2022. Consumers are more conscious than ever about how their food choices impact the planet, with more than a third of American shoppers saying they are changing what they eat because of concerns about the environment. 

Researchers surveyed more than 3,700 people in the United States and asked if they were changing their diets. Of the more than 3,100 people who said yes, 34% said it was for environmental reasons, alongside health and price. The biggest change was in red meat, like beef and lamb, with 34% of all shoppers surveyed cutting their consumption over the past two years. 36% said they were eating more vegetables and 16% said they were eating more fish - 19% of respondents said they would eat more seafood in the future if they knew it wasn't causing harm to the ocean. 

Climate change was the top environmental concern (43% put this in their top three), but other major issues were pollution in rivers and streams (40%), loss and destruction of forests and woodland (38%), and the health of the ocean (37%).  

Despite their gloomy outlook, greater awareness of conservation and experiencing recent extreme weather events like record-breaking temperatures can motivate change - 64% said they feel an increased desire to protect the marine environment.  

In terms of possible solutions, the survey showed the public has a good understanding of the role of sustainable fishing: 60% of seafood consumers said they associated it with maintaining healthy and thriving fish populations – a key component of the MSC Fisheries Standard. Almost half (48%) of American seafood consumers are willing to buy more sustainable seafood in the future to protect fish populations, and more than half (55%) of American seafood consumers said the MSC label makes them more likely to purchase a product.  

Nicole Condon, US Program Director, said: “While the results of the survey show a growing public concern about the state of our ocean and increased eco-anxiety, positively, we’re also seeing a desire to eat more healthy and sustainable food. Consumers are increasingly aware of the environmental impact of their food choices, and how certified sustainable seafood can have a positive impact on their health and the health of the planet. I am encouraged by the survey results – they are validating the important work MSC is doing to promote sustainable fishing practices so we can support more life in the ocean and protect a valuable food resource for this, and future generations.” 

The findings of the research, commissioned by the MSC and carried out by GlobeScan, a global insight and advisory consultancy, are being released ahead of World Oceans Day, designated June 8 by the United Nations in 2008 to raise awareness of the impact of human actions on the ocean, and to bring people together to improve the sustainable management of the world's oceans. 

Caroline Holme, Executive Director at GlobeScan, said: “These results mirror our broader findings in our annual healthy and sustainable living study and the public’s perception of the challenges that the world faces. Even amid a cost-of-living crisis, environmental issues are of major concern to consumers.” 

MSC certified fisheries have made more than 400 fishing practice improvements around the world in the last three years, including protecting endangered marine species and vulnerable habitats. In the US, 84% of fisheries are MSC certified. Fisheries certified against MSC’s global, science-based fisheries standard, are required to manage fish stocks sustainably and minimize impacts on the wider marine environment. 

The ocean covers over 70% of the planet and produces at least 50% of the planet’s oxygen. It is home to most of earth’s biodiversity and is the main source of protein for more than a billion people around the world.