By being mindful of your choices, you can be part of a movement that ensures the ocean's bounty is preserved for generations to come.
What is the MSC Theory of Change?
The concept behind the MSC Theory of Change is simple yet powerful: reward good practice, and change will follow. In the MSC program, this theory applies to every point of the seafood industry to support sustainable fishing practices – from the ocean to our plates and back again. The ultimate goal is an industry-wide shift to sustainability that contributes to the long-term health and productivity of our ocean.
And you are at the heart of it.
So How Does It Work?
It starts with you. When you choose to buy certified sustainable seafood with the MSC blue fish label, you are supporting fisheries that contribute to a healthier ocean and you’re sending a signal to your retailer or restaurant that sustainability matters to you.
This creates a domino effect where, as more people choose MSC certified sustainable seafood, businesses all along the supply chain take notice that consumers prefer to purchase environmentally friendly options.
Once brands, retailers, restaurants, and suppliers see an increased demand for sustainable options, they, in turn, meet that demand by sourcing and offering more seafood from MSC certified sustainable fisheries.
This increased demand for certified sustainable seafood then encourages more fisheries to improve their practices and voluntarily try to meet the MSC Fishery Standard for sustainable fishing. And, once they meet our Standard and achieve MSC certification, they can sell their catch with the MSC blue fish label.

Better Standards For Our Ocean
At the heart of the MSC's Theory of Change is a reminder that each of us plays a crucial role in shaping the future of how our oceans are fished. The MSC’s responsibility is to maintain and update our Standard to ensure it remains the world’s leading certification program for sustainable fisheries.
We know that fishing communities can thrive alongside healthy marine ecosystems. By fostering a market that values sustainability, we aim to make sustainable seafood the norm, not the exception. This not only benefits our environment but also helps preserve a vital source of nutritious food and supplies jobs for millions in coastal communities.
Voting With Your Wallet
Every time you purchase a product with the MSC label you reward those who are actively contributing to a healthier ocean. So next time you're at the supermarket eyeing that can of tuna or package of shrimp, remember: your purchase has power.
It’s a simple act that drives impactful change. And it all starts with you.