The Marine Stewardship Counil (MSC) and the Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC) have developed training videos as guidance for retailers with fresh fish counters and restaurant and food service business wishing to train their staff on the Chain of Custody (CoC) standard.
What is the MSC Chain of Custody Standard?
The video below provides an overview of the MSC Chain of Custody Standard.
For products to carry the MSC blue fish label, every company in the supply chain must have a valid Chain of Custody (CoC) certificate. To be certified, businesses are
audited by independent certification bodies.
Chain of Custody training for restaurants
The video below has been developed as a resource for restaurants and food service businesses who use MSC certified products and want to train their staff on the MSC Chain of Custody Standard.
Chain of Custody training for fish counters
The video below has been developed as a resource for retailers with fresh fish counters wishing to train their staff on the MSC Chain of Custody Standard.
Find out more
Supply chain certification guide
An overview of what to expect from the Chain of Custody (CoC) certification process.
Consumer insights
Learn more about American shoppers who are increasingly ‘voting with their forks’ for sustainable seafood.
After certification: resources
When you have CoC, you're part of a global network of traceable, sustainable seafood supplies.