For single or multi-site organizations trading certified seafood such as a trader operating from one office or a processor with several factory locations.
For retailers, restaurants, caterers, and fresh fish counters of any size looking to sell MSC or ASC certified seafood directly to final consumers.
For organizations with a central office and many locations distributing, processing, or trading certified seafood such as cooperatives, franchises, and vertically-integrated companies.
After becoming an MSC partner, you have access to resources that can help expand your MSC certified offerings, promote your commitment to sustainability, and stay up to date on the latest fishery news.
This guide sets out the basic rules on how to use the MSC ecolabel on product packaging, restaurant menus, fish counters, and promotional material.
Following multi-stakeholder consultation, the MSC has developed policy on labor practices in MSC certified entities aimed at providing transparency and enhancing assurance of the absence of egregious labor practices from fisheries and supply chains that are under assessment or certified to the MSC standards.
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