Sustainable Seafood Means More, Partner collaboration for Seafood Month 2024
With over 27.4 million impressions and 1.4 million video views, our digital and transit ad campaigns put certified sustainable seafood in front of shoppers across the East and West Coasts of the United States. Our campaigns aim to move the needle, making buying sustainable seafood an easy choice for more people.
- East Coast Highlights: Our partnership with Chicory put sustainable seafood front and center on top recipe sites across the web. Display ads appeared alongside seafood recipes and made it simple and easy for shoppers to add certified sustainable seafood to their carts with our shoppable collections.
- West Coast Highlights: Commuters in Los Angeles learned about MSC certified sustainable seafood as they moved around the city. With Trans-Ocean and Safe Catch as our key partners, our campaign placed eye-catching ads on 70 digital kiosks across busy transit stations throughout the city.
Have ideas for a campaign celebrating certifications? We’d love to learn more! Reach out to [email protected].