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Celebrating April Fool’s Day with Ben & Jerry’s, 2024

We teamed up with Ben & Jerry’s for an April Fool's prank with a purpose: helping to end overfishing and create a healthier blue planet for future generations.   

"It’s o-PHISH-al! We’re proud to announce that we’re partnering with the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) and will be sourcing all our fudge fish from sustainably managed MSC certified fisheries. As if you needed another reason to love Phish Food!" - Ben & Jerry's 


  • The campaign received more than 312k organic impressions, and 7.5k organic engagements on social media across Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok.  
  • The press release received 372 pickups and 160M+ impressions.

Collage image of Ben and Jerry's phish food with MSC messaging

Have ideas for a campaign celebrating certifications? We’d love to learn more! Reach out to