Seafood Month 2021

Amazon Advertising Partnership
We worked with Amazon advertising’s nonprofit business account manager to design an awareness campaign through in-stream 15- and 30-second video ads airing on their online video platform, OLV, and streaming TV, OTT (e.g. Fire TV, IMDb TV, etc.). Through this partnership, we were able to attribute sales of MSC labeled product on, and target the conscious consumer based on their interests and behaviors on Amazon properties.
Key results and learnings:
- This campaign resulted in 1.5 million impressions and had a 98.66% average video completion rate.
- During this campaign, about 25% of MSC certified product sales were from customers that were new to the brand.
- The environmentally conscious consumer and those who frequently purchase climate pledge friendly packaged goods are the most likely to interact with an MSC ad and/or make a purchase as a result of viewing the ad.
- Streaming TV drove the most purchases, despite being non-clickable.
- 30-second creative outperformed 15-second versions on online video.
Interested in collaborating on TV or other digital ads to promote your commitment to a healthy ocean? We’d love to hear from you.