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It’s vital that everyone, from fishers to retailers, scientists to consumers, has confidence in the MSC blue fish label.

The MSC is the only global wild-capture fisheries certification program that simultaneously meets best practice requirements set by the UN Food and Agriculture Organization and has been independently evaluated against ISEAL’s Codes of Good Practice.
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Best practice in supply chain traceability

All companies that buy and sell certified seafood comply with the MSC Chain of Custody Standard. As with fisheries, these companies are certified by an independent third-party assessor.

This means all seafood sold with the MSC blue fish label can be traced back to a certified sustainable source. A traceable supply chain also helps to fight seafood fraud. 

Despite high rates of reported seafood fraud globally, DNA testing has shown that mislabeling rates for MSC labeled seafood are less than 1%. This shows that our third-party verification systems are working and means consumers can trust that what they are eating really is what it says on the package. 

Our Chain of Custody Standard sets us apart from other sustainable seafood initiatives, such as ratings cards. The MSC outperforms all other wild-capture fisheries certification programs recognized by the Global Sustainable Seafood Initiative (GSSI).

“Certification provides the highest level of assurance that the product is verified to be sustainable, is harvested legally, and is traceable back to its source.”

Certification and Ratings Collaboration


Compliance with external bodies

We go to great lengths to ensure we meet the highest international benchmarks for credible certification and ecolabeling. 

The MSC Fisheries Standard is based in part on the UN FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fishing. The Code provides principles and standards for the conservation, management, and development of fisheries around the world.

The MSC's certification and labeling program is fully consistent with the UN FAO's internationally-agreed set of principles for ecolabelling of wild caught seafood. These include:

  • objective, third-party fishery assessment using scientific evidence
  • transparent processes with built-in stakeholder consultation and objection procedures
  • standards based on the three factors - sustainability of target species, ecosystems, and management practices

The MSC runs the first certification program for wild caught seafood to be recognized by the Global Sustainable Seafood Initiative (GSSI), an independent benchmark for the credibility of sustainable seafood certification programs. GSSI was developed by a coalition of environmental NGOs, global businesses, industry experts, governments, and intergovernmental organizations and is based on UN FAO codes and guidelines. 

The MSC program meets all the essential components of the GSSI benchmark, and a further 63 supplementary components relating to issues such as deep sea fishing and vulnerable marine ecosystems.

Read the full GSSI report

We are the only wild seafood certification program to be a full member of ISEAL, the global membership association for credible sustainability standards.

As an ISEAL member, we comply with their highly regarded codes for standard setting, assurance and impact monitoring. These require that:

  • Standards are set in open, transparent, and participatory processes
  • Rigorous assurance mechanisms are in place to mitigate risks of non-compliance
  • There is systematic and objective evaluation of the standards' effects and impacts
  • There are measures to integrate new information and encourage ongoing improvement
  • Monitoring and evaluation is in place to demonstrate the impacts of the program.

We're regularly audited to ensure that we meet these codes.

Other full members of ISEAL include Rainforest Alliance, Fairtrade International, and the Forest Stewardship Council.

For 70 years, the International Standards Organization (ISO) has published standards for companies and certifiers globally. Over 1 million companies are certified to ISO standards including the standard for quality management (ISO 9001). 

The following ISO standards are built into the MSC’s assurance system. They define controls on conflict of interest, complaint resolution, and accrediting a CAB. 

  • ISO 17011 – Accreditation
  • ISO 17065 – Certification
  • ISO 19011 – Auditing
The World Trade Organization (WTO) Technical Barriers to Trade Agreement exists to ensure standards and regulations do not create unnecessary obstacles to trade. ISEAL has sought a legal opinion from the Centre for International Environmental Law (CIEL), which confirms that all organizations consistent with the ISEAL Code of Good Practice, are not technical barriers to trade. 

Additional recognition of best practice

In addition to meeting international norms and guidelines, our program is well regarded by numerous international organizations that scrutinize the role of standard setting in safeguarding our oceans.

Global leaders in ocean sustainability

The UN recognizes the MSC as a major ocean stakeholder, and we directly contribute to the work of UN bodies such as the FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization).

Data from the MSC is used by the UN Environment Progam and other intergovernmental organizations to track progress towards international goals to end overfishing and protect biodiversity, including the UN Convention on Biodiversity’s Aichi Targets.

We also have a key role to play in helping companies and governments achieve the United Nations Environment Program’s Sustainable Development Goals by providing best practice guidance for 'what good looks like' in a specific industry.


Maintaining best practice 

Just as we develop our standards in accordance with the latest scientific understanding, we periodically review our assurance system to increase its effectiveness and address real or perceived issues within the system.

Read more about the MSC Assurance system

Ensuring Confidence

We have multiple checks in place so you can have confidence in the MSC label. These safeguards make up what we call the MSC assurance system. This system is used to make sure the assessment and certification of fisheries and supply chain businesses is working and meets best global practice.

Best Practice in Fishery Assessments

Under the MSC program, fisheries can get certified if they meet the MSC Fisheries Standard.

Independent certification

The MSC is a third-party certification program. This means we do not assess or certify fisheries, but only set the standard they have to meet.

Fishery assessments are carried out by independent accredited conformity assessment bodies (CABs) with teams of experts in fisheries science and management who are independent of the fishery and the MSC. 

What is a third-party program?

Third-party programs offer the highest level of assurance that the outcomes of assessments are unbiased. The MSC, in consultation with stakeholders, sets standards for sustainable fisheries and supply chains. The assessments are carried out by the independent assessors following processes that are set by the MSC.  

Here's how our program compares to other forms of certification:

  • Third-party: An independent assessment shows that the organization’s product or service meets a standard.
  • Second-party: Peers, such as an industry association or a buyer, check if the organization’s product or service has met a standard.
  • First party: An organization self-assesses if its product or service meets a standard. 

The MSC receives no money for assessments or certifications.

How the MSC Meets Best Practice

Additional safeguards

Third-party certification is widely regarded as the most trustworthy system for objective assessments, but there can still be risks to the integrity of the system. These can include real or perceived conflicts of interest.

To mitigate these risks, we have built in additional safeguards, including: