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The sustainable fishing world comes with a lot of vocabulary that most of us probably don’t use in our everyday lives. So, we’ve created a series of definitions to help you become a sustainable fishing expert.


Biodiversity is a combination of the words ‘biological’ and ‘diversity’ that refers to the variety of life on Earth. It includes all the different animals, plants, and micro-organisms living on Earth and in the ocean, from tiny ants to giant whales.

The details:

Biodiversity is calculated by measuring both ‘species richness’ (the number of different species in a defined area) and species composition (the relative proportions of these species). 

The ‘abundance’ of a population or a species (the total number of individuals) is also commonly considered when evaluating diversity changes. 

Biodiversity is essential because it allows nature to be productive, resilient, and adaptable to environmental changes.

Definition of biodiversity over a blue box with a healthy coral reef ecosystem in the background