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What does it take to keep fish on your plate and in the sea, forever?

Meet some of the fishermen that make sustainable fishing part of their everyday life.

From the mussel fishermen in the top reaches of the Shetland Islands, Scotland, to the hake fishermen down in Newlyn, Cornwall, it takes hard work and commitment to help keep the oceans teeming with life for future generations.

Our ‘What It Takes’ campaign champions the voices of these dedicated fishermen, delving into the hard work that goes on behind the MSC blue fish ecolabel - what it means, and why it’s essential that we make a conscious effort to choose the blue fish when shopping or dining out. It means your seafood is certified as sustainable and traceable.

Because it doesn’t just take fishermen committing to fishing sustainably - it takes you to choose the blue fish too.


See what it takes

For the hake fishermen…  

For the hake fishermen… keep hake on your plate and in the sea, forever. 

For the mussels fishermen…  

For the mussels fishermen… keep mussels on your plate and in the sea, forever. 

For you...

For you...

These fishermen work hard but now it’s over to you. Choose the MSC ecolabel when you’re shopping or dining out.

Do what it takes

...and support sustainable seas!

Find out what we're up to, how we can restore our oceans and meet our sustainable fishermen who are speaking up for healthy, sustainable seas by exploring our website and following us on social media. Share our films of sustainably fishing for Cornish hake and sustainably harvesting Shetland mussels so others can know to choose the blue fish too.