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The terms and conditions of use set out on this page and in our privacy policy (together the "website terms and conditions"), apply to your use of (the "website"). The website terms and conditions apply to you whether you are a guest or a registered user of the website. Please read the website terms and conditions carefully. By proceeding to access the website you shall be deemed to accept the website terms and conditions. MSC may amend the website terms and conditions at any time. Please check this page and the privacy policy.

Who we are

The Website is operated by the Marine Stewardship Council ("MSC"). The MSC is a charity registered in England and Wales under registered number 1066806, whose Head Office is at Marine House, 1 Snow Hill, London EC1A 2DH.

Using the website

You may access the Website on a temporary basis. MSC reserves the right to withdraw all or part of the Website or to amend the service provided or the information and materials provided on the Website at any time and without notice. MSC shall not be liable for any loss or damage howsoever arising if the website or any part of it is not available for any period.


Please read the privacy policy for details of how MSC processes information about you and for details of how cookies are used on the website.

Accuracy of Information and Reliance

The information and materials provided on the Website are for your information only. MSC makes no guaranties, warranties or conditions as to the accuracy of the information and/or materials provided on the website. MSC disclaims all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance that you may place on the information and/or materials on the website.


MSC will endeavour to ensure that this website is accessible for 24 hours a day but will not be liable if‚ for any reason‚ the website is unavailable for any time or for any period. MSC will have the right to suspend access to this website temporarily or permanently and without notice.

MSC will not be liable for any loss or damage arising in contract‚ tort or otherwise if this website is unavailable or is suspended for any reason.

Intellectual Property Rights

MSC is the owner or licensee of all intellectual property rights in the website and/or has permission to reproduce such rights, including (but not limited to) infographics, text, graphic images, audio and video materials. All such rights are reserved.

You may print or download information or materials from the website, provided:

  • the copyright and other intellectual property rights are also printed, copied and/or downloaded with the information or materials;
  • you do not modify or change in any way the information or materials provided on the website; and
  • the information or materials are not used in a way which may damage MSC's reputation or MSC's ability to achieve its objectives.

You must not without MSC's prior written consent:

  • incorporate any information or materials on the website in any other work, publication or broadcast (in hard copy of electronic form);
  • make commercial use of any of the information or materials on the website; or
  • reproduce, share, transmit, publish or make available to the public any of the information or materials on the website.

Links to third party websites

Where the Website contains links to a website provided by a third party, such links are provided for information purposes only. Separate terms and conditions of use and privacy policies may apply to any such third-party websites. MSC does not have control over the information or materials provided in such third-party websites. MSC shall not be responsible for any such third-party websites or for any loss or damage howsoever arising that may result from Your use of such websites.

Linking to the website

You may link to the Website provided you do so in a way that is fair, legal and not misleading, however, MSC reserves the right to withdraw linking permission without notice.

MSC cannot warrant that this Website is free of viruses or technical defects of any description and accepts no responsibility for any technical problems arising from your use of this Website.

Jurisdiction and governing law

These terms and conditions are governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England and Wales.

Any dispute you have which relates to these terms and conditions, or your use of the website (whether it be contractual or non-contractual), will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.