The ocean is essential to life on Earth. It covers more than 70% of the planet's surface, regulate the climate, and supply the oxygen we need to survive.
Seafood is our last major food source that’s truly wild, and it provides food security for millions of people around the world who rely on it as their primary source of protein. Seafood is also vital to the livelihoods of fishermen and fishing communities around the world.
Unfortunately, according to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 2024 State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture (SOFIA) report, 37.7% of global fisheries are overfished, in large part due to illegal and destructive fishing.
In fact, the size of marine populations declined by almost half (49%) between 1970 and 2012 according to WWF’s Living Blue Planet Report 2015. This is a serious concern, and unless something changes our ocean is in serious trouble.
Key factors contributing to the problem are overfishing, illegal and destructive fishing as well as climate change. It’s not just the loss of species and ecosystems, the problem has a serious impact on communities.
What is the MSC doing?
We work with fisheries, scientists, and industry stakeholders to make sure our ocean is fished sustainably and that it’s easy for consumers to find and buy certified sustainable seafood.
By choosing seafood products with the MSC blue fish label, you are supporting fishermen that take care of our oceans and sending a signal to other fisheries to do the same.
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Our approach
Our approach means everyone can play a part in that future while enjoying seafood, not avoiding it.
The impact on communities
Fish is an important source of food and income for communities around the world. For many people, sustainable fishing is a necessity, not a luxury.
What is Overfishing?
The MSC was formed to address the problem of overfishing. Our program works against illegal and destructive fishing practices.