Get to know three boat captains that fish for wild Alaska pollock out on the Bering sea. Karl, Jeff, and Matt work for one of the largest sustainable fisheries in the world, the U.S. Alaska pollock fishery. They love what they do and care deeply about the environment where they fish. Hear first-hand what being a part of an MSC certified, sustainable fishery means to them.
Wild Ones… of the Alaska pollock fishery
Read "Alaska Pollock: It runs in the family"
The C/P Starbound trawls for pollock on Alaska's Bering Sea. Hear the story of the crew of this incredible ship that processes its catch on board straight out of the ocean, wasting nothing.
Find out more

Meet more Wild Ones
There’s a group of people from around the world with something in common: they love seafood and respect where it comes from. Find out why wild, sustainable seafood matters to them.

This is wild...
Wild. What a word. What a place. Worth caring for? We think so. But what does it mean to you?

Real life stories
Read stories about real fisheries and the changes that they have made to become sustainable on their journey to MSC certification.