Explore ocean-themed education resources aligned with the Australian curriculum suitable for Years 5-10, including ocean lesson plans, videos, fact sheets, games, and activities.
Ocean lesson plans for the Australian curriculum
Explore our Australian ocean lesson plans and learning resources including videos, quizzes, and classroom activities. Take your students on a journey and discover what makes a healthy marine ecosystem, what bycatch means, coastal communities, and the effects of and solutions to overfishing.
All resources are aligned to the ACARA Australian Curriculum Version 9 (V9).
Ocean-themed lessons by subject

Education resources aligned to Mathematics Years 5-8 of the Australian Curriculum

Design & Technology
Education resources aligned to Design & Technology (Food Technology) Years 3 to 8 of the Australian Curriculum

First Nations Fishing
Explore a series of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander fishing stories and lesson plans, across subjects

Visual Art
Education resources aligned to Visual Art Years 3-8 of the Australian Curriculum

Marine Studies
Education resources aligned to Marine Studies Years 7-12 of the NESA Syllabus
Explore education programs from around the world with the MSC, for lessons in other languages.
Newest Resources
Scallops: Witness to Climate Change
Virtual World
10 ways to be an Ocean Hero!
Empower students with these 10 actions that they can take to look after the ocean, reduce their impact, learn about sea life, and inspire others!
Using this list, students might be inspired to make a poster, write a letter, paint an artwork, run an event, or start a 'blue group' with their classmates.
Topical ocean lesson plans
Find ocean lesson plans and resources for different topics or times of year.Christmas Resources
Incredible Sharks!
World Ocean Day
National Science Week
Activities & Video Clips
Climate Change & Fishing
MSC Kahoot! quizzes
Unleash the fun in classrooms with our MSC designed Kahoot! quizzes - a game-based learning platform.
Kahoot Quizzes
Fish and Kids
Explore our puzzles, games, colouring sheets and recipes for children. Activities are ideal for under 8s.
Download our classroom poster
Understand the 7 principles of ocean literacy.Ask an Expert
Scientists on-demand
Key ocean-themed calendar dates
- World Penguin Day: 25 April
- World Ocean Day: 8 June
- Shark Awareness Day: 14 July
- National Science Week: mid-August
- World Fisheries Day: 21 November
- International Antarctic Day: 1 December
Why teach ocean literacy in Australia
One in eight Australian Year 10 STEM classes is taught by teachers outside their field of expertise (out-of-field), a new analysis of PISA 2015 data by Monash University and The University of Sydney shows.
Meanwhile, the majority (74%) of Australian seafood consumers believe that schools and universities need to do more to educate people about the health of our ocean. That's according to a recent study by independent research consultancy GlobeScan.
The study also shows that the top concerns Australians have about threats to the ocean are pollution such as plastics (61%) and overfishing (51%). More than three-quarters (78%) also believe we need to protect fish populations so our children and grandchildren can enjoy fish in the future.
About Saltwater Schools
Saltwater Schools an education initiative of the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) in Australia. The Saltwater Schools collection of free classroom resources supports marine education and ocean literacy for years 5 to 10.
With a uniquely Australian feel, the program offers ACARA (v9) curriculum-aligned lesson plans and activities, award-winning videos, quizzes, events, competitions, awards, and school engagement opportunities to meet marine scientists like Dr. Adrian Gutteridge.
Resources are grouped by subject, with additional collections for First Nations Fishing, World Ocean Day and National Science Week. New topics in creation include Sharks, Tuna, Food Labelling, and Career Pathways. Sign up to the Saltwater Schools teacher newsletter (below) to receive these resources, and follow the Saltwater Schools Pinterest to learn about school engagement opportunities!
If you'd like to get in touch to find out more about our education initiative, please email [email protected].

Taronga Conservation Society offer unique and experiential learning activities for schools, including curriculum-aligned excursions to their Sydney and Dubbo zoos as well as digital and online learning resources.

Primezone is the education platform of the Primary Industries Education Foundation Australia (PIEFA). Find classroom Australian resources on agricultural topics for Years K to 12, and explore 'Farmer Time' connecting Farmers, Fishers and Foresters with Australian Classrooms.

Fleurieu Marine Education
Based out of the South Australian Whale Centre in Victor Harbor, Renee and Ali deliver a series of fun, face-to-face programs that aim to create stewards of the ocean in each young heart.

Marine Teachers' Association NSW
The Marine Teachers Association NSW aims to promote, develop and publicise all aspects of marine teaching in NSW. They disseminate and exchange information, resources, ideas and events to assist classroom teachers in playing an active role as a marine teacher.

AAEE / SeaWeek
SeaWeek is the Australian Association for Environmental Educator's (AAEE) annual marine education and action campaign to focus community awareness, provide information, inspire educators and encourage Australians’ appreciation of the importance of the sea. The 7 principles of Ocean Literacy form the basis of the key messages that are promoted by SeaWeek.

Mures Fish School
Mures Tasmania has designed specific curricula based activities aimed at introducing your class to sustainability and what this means for the fishing industry. Lessons are designed to promote awareness of what it means to fish sustainably and the impact of the Australia Fisheries Management Authority and local government on the industry.

Tangaroa Blue Foundation
Tangaroa Blue Foundation is an Australia-wide not-for-profit organisation dedicated to the removal and prevention of marine debris. The Tangaroa Blue Education Kit creates awareness about marine ecology and conservation issues through inquiry-oriented teaching and experiential learning.

Australian Marine Debris Initiative
The AMDI Database is a citizen science network which creates a comprehensive overview of the amounts and types of marine debris impacting beaches around Australia. Teachers and students can utilise the AMDI to scientifically audit their own beach clean-up findings.

Austral Academy
Austral Academy’s mission is to amplify the visibility and accessibility of the many exciting seagoing pathways and professional career opportunities available in the commercial fishing industry. This is achieved through on-site school visits and careers expos across Australia, in addition to engaging Austral’s experienced leaders who provide mentoring, support, and on-the-job training to Academy members.

Ocean Youth
Ocean Youth offers a face-to-face program for young people to become ambassadors for the ocean. They are youth-led, science-based, and work collaboratively to provide practical, educational & inspiring programs. Enabling youth to access a range of opportunities to enhance their problem solving, advocacy, and innovative thinking skills.