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The State of the Water Report for Canada is the first of its kind and provides a detailed analysis of the positive effect that MSC certification is having on the fisheries that have chosen to be assessed against the MSC Fisheries Standard.

Blue fish label is key driver of sustainability in Canadian Fisheries

Blue fish label is key driver of sustainability in Canadian Fisheries

The inaugural report presents evidence of how MSC certification is a credible and robust catalyst for fishery improvements in Canada, leading to fisheries increasing the health of certified fish stocks, minimizing their impact of the marine environment, and maintaining the management measures that underscore this good practice.

The report utilizes data collected from MSC audits and assessments stretching back 15 years, to map out the impacts and progress that have been made in Canadian fisheries since the MSC program was launched here.

There have been 153 improvements since 2008 to make Canada's fishing practices far more sustainable, and fisheries that have completed two full certification cycles have notably improved their sustainability scores across all three MSC Fisheries Principles.