Promote ocean literacy during Sea Week and inspire students to learn about ocean risks and their solutions.
About Sea Week
Join us for Sea Week on 1-9 March 2025 in Australia and New Zealand as we promote ocean literacy and celebrate connecting with our seas.
Our ocean needs protection.
- Our ocean covers 70% of the planet and supports life as we know it
- Every second breath we take comes from the ocean
- Our ocean feeds billions of people
- Our ocean hosts 80% of the world’s biodiversity.
However, the health of our seas is threatened by pollution such as abandoned fishing nets, overfishing, and the effects of climate change.
Sea Week is a great opportunity to improve our collective understanding of the ocean's influence on us and our influence on the ocean.
Sea Week activities
Virtual visits
‘Celebrate March - the month of Sea Week’ by beaming one or more of the ocean experts, animals or experiences into your classroom!
Explore >
Kahoot! quizzes
Have fun, take a dive into a topic, or assess learners’ knowledge and understanding with our quizzes. Designed to support our learning materials or to be used on their own.
Why do we need the ocean?
How much do you know about our ocean and how we use it for fishing and food?
A quiz introducing the concept of overfishing, and what it can mean for our ocean.
A quiz introducing bycatch, a challenge in sustainable fishing where fishers accidentally catch sea creatures that they don't want to, or that are too small.
Ocean themed teaching resources

Aotearoa New Zealand
Explore Te Kawa o Tangaroa - an ocean-centred learning programme focussed on solutions to overfishing and how we can ensure our ocean is teeming with life.

Explore ocean-themed education resources aligned with the Australian curriculum suitable for Stages 3-5, including lesson plans, videos, fact sheets, games, and activities.
Sea Week in Australia and New Zealand
Sea Week Australia
SeaWeek is Australia’s major national public awareness campaign to focus community awareness, provide information and encourage an appreciation of the sea. SeaWeek gives us a fantastic opportunity to promote educational issues of relevance to the marine environment.
Sea Week New Zealand
NZAEE Seaweek – Kaupapa Moana - is New Zealand’s annual national week celebrating the sea.
Improve ocean literacy in your school
Improve ocean literacy with the MSC's teaching and learning resources and discover how we can all help keep our ocean healthy.