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Rare Foods Australia awarded world first eco-tick certification for its enhanced greenlip abalone operation in Western Australia

• Rare Foods Australia (RFA) announces its certification to the Marine Stewardship Council's (MSC) internationally recognised benchmark for sustainable fishing as a wild enhanced fishery  

• Rare Foods Australia is the only wild enhanced fishery in the world using certified sustainable practices to produce Greenlip Abalone

• Rare Foods Australia pioneered this process, leasing 413 hectares of the ocean and developing  20km of purpose-built abalone reef that is now certified as a sustainable fishery, a world first  
Rare Foods Australia (RFA) have been awarded the internationally recognised MSC certification for its wild enhanced Greenlip Abalone operations in Augusta, Western Australia.  This milestone achievement was celebrated on Wednesday 8th June, World Ocean Day, with officials including Hon. Don Punch, MLA Minister of Fisheries, and representatives from the Western Australian Fishing Industry Council, the Marine Stewardship Council, and Centre for Seafood Certification, bio-inspecta.

Founded as Ocean Grown Abalone, the business was the first in the world to develop ocean abalone ranching with its innovative operation and facility.  Commencing in 2009, the newly designed abalone reef started to be created using patented technology to build 10,000 ABITATS  for its greenlip abalone population.  A year-long pilot was conducted in 2011, which resulted in the world's first commercial abalone ranch.  It has continued to raise capital to expand its capacity and today occupies 20km of purpose-built reef.

The MSC is a non-profit organisation working with scientists and the seafood industry to set a globally recognised benchmark for sustainable fishing. In 2021 RFA funded a gap analysis through an independent assessment body, bio.inspecta Pty Ltd, to determine if RFA operations were within the scope of MSC certification. Following confirmation from bio.Inspecta that RFA could be assessed against the MSC Standard as a ‘hatch and catch’ enhanced fishery, the team at RFA started working alongside the Western Australian state government’s Department of Primary Industry and Regional Development (DPIRD), who then funded the full MSC assessment process from there onwards.  

The MSC certification is a major accolade for Rare Foods Australia.  It now holds the first enhanced greenlip abalone certification worldwide. It also becomes the 12th Western Australian fishery to gain MSC certification and the second enhanced fishery in Western Australia, alongside the silver-lipped pearl oyster fishery.  

As a business we are focused on collaborating for the greater good.  RFA thank DPRID for their continued support of our business and support of this process.  We also pleased to partner with and value the other relationships for our industry, including the Western Australian Fishing Industry Council (WAFIC), the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC), and bio.inspecta. 

“Since 2007, we have worked tirelessly using sustainable practices in the supply of Greenlip Abalone.  Through innovation and patented solutions, we designed and created a reef. We are proud to have pioneered this process and now be recognized independently and internationally as a certified sustainable wild enhanced fishery. It’s been an exciting journey to get here but this is just the beginning with new and exciting possibilities being explored through the business” said Brad Adams, Executive Director – Corporate Development.

“The MSC certification is a critical milestone in our journey and anchors our strategic commitment to customers to strengthen our core business. It supports the global tension point between the care for the protection of our oceans but the demand for wild produce to be supplied with continuity and consistency to chefs globally.  We are absolutely committed to being rare and reassuringly sustainable and look forward to broadening our offer to our local Australian and global customers,” said Rob Jorden, Chief Executive Officer.

"World Ocean Day is an excellent day to recognise Rare Foods Australia for putting the long-term health of our ocean and future supply of seafood at the heart of their business. Their innovation and leadership is essential to achieving the MSC's vision for oceans teeming with life and seafood supplies safeguarded for future generations. I'm delighted to welcome this unique and forward-thinking fishery into the MSC program," said Anne Gabriel, MSC Program Director, Oceania & Singapore.    

Brand Notes
• Rare Foods Australia (RFA) is ASX listed and now the holding company of the formerly known Ocean Grown Abalone (OGA)
• Two Oceans Abalone is our accredited wild product brand of Greenlip Abalone
• The Ocean Ranch is 413 hectares of leased ocean which equates to 20kms of purpose-built reef

• Extensive knowledge and expertise to make a difference offering unique and innovative applications to the production of seafood

This announcement was originally published by Rare Foods Australia and cross-published here with permission.

Diver holding greenlip abalone