Explore education resources aligned to Humanities and Social Sciences (HASS) Years 3-6 and Geography Years 7-10 of the Australian curriculum. All resources are aligned with Version 9 of the ACARA Australian Curriculum.
Social Sciences Years 3&4
These resources are designed for teachers of Humanities and Social Sciences in Years 3 & 4 (ages 8-10).
Thank you, Fishers
In this activity, learners meet the real fishers in Australia who are taking steps to look after the ocean and find out what fishing sustainably really means in practice.

World Ocean Day
In this activity, learners investigate what taking care of the ocean involves for the people who catch our fish. They look at stories of real fishers taking steps to look after the ocean and find out what fishing sustainably really means in practice. Afterwards, they can take part in our competition to come up with their own idea to help fishers protect our ocean.
Social Sciences Years 5&6
These resources are designed for teachers of Humanities and Social Sciences in Years 5 & 6 (ages 10-12).

Oceans at risk
Discover why the ocean is essential for life on earth, how the oceans are at risk from overfishing, and what we can do about it.

Using the ocean's resources responsibly
Draw from the film My Dad the Fisherman as a starting point to consider how people use, modify, and change the ocean ecosystem to obtain food.

The Blue Fish Tick
Introducing students to the Marine Stewardship Council Fisheries Standard for sustainable fishing.

Thank you, Fishers
Learn about fisheries in Australia that are working to safeguard future generations of both people and fish. A set of slides is provided, and an accompanying Kahoot! quiz about the collapse of the Atlantic Cod fishing industry in the 1980s.

World Ocean Day
In this activity, learners investigate what taking care of the ocean involves for the people who catch our fish. They look at stories of real fishers taking steps to look after the ocean and find out what fishing sustainably really means in practice. Afterwards, they can take part in our competition to come up with their own idea to help fishers protect our ocean.

Life and Livelihoods
How do we get the balance right between life and livelihoods? Learners investigate this big question using this resource, set out as a geographical enquiry and enabling learners examine a variety of sources, data and perspectives to help them develop their viewpoint and share it.

Christmas Prawns in Australia
In this 40-60 minute lesson for ages 10+ learners will discuss the Australian Christmas tradition of eating prawns, and the importance of sourcing sustainable seafood.
Geography Years 7&8
This resource is designed for teaching students Geography in Years 7&8 (ages 12-14).

Food: Different by Design
This lesson introduces learners to some of the ways that seafood production can be designed for a more sustainable future. Learners will discover some of the innovations being made in aquaculture and wild fishing to help reduce pollution and entanglements with marine wildlife.

Thank you, Fishers
Learn about fisheries in Australia that are working to safeguard future generations of both people and fish. A set of slides is provided, and an accompanying Kahoot! quiz about the collapse of the Atlantic Cod fishing industry in the 1980s.
Geography Years 9&10
These resources are designed for teaching students Geography in Years 9&10 (ages 14-16).

Why do we need the ocean?
Explore why we need the ocean, what global fishing activities look like around the world, and some of the pressures on it from overfishing.

Using the ocean's resources responsibly
Use the film My Dad the Fisherman to examine some of the ways in which fishers try to look after the oceans and what sustainability means for the future of our oceans.

The Blue Fish Tick
Introduce the MSC Fisheries Standard, and how it can be used to measure and support sustainable fishing activities.
Resource Collections for Geography

First Nations Fishing
Explore a series of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander fishing stories and lesson plans, across subjects.

World Ocean Day
World Ocean Day is celebrated around the world on 8 June each year, to raise awareness about how we can protect our big blue! Saltwater Schools has free curriculum-aligned resources to help you build ocean literacy with students.

Explore a series of prawn and lobster-themed resources for primary and secondary students, across subjects for Christmas time!
Classroom activities and video clips
Explore classroom activities developed in conjunction with the Saltwater Schools lesson plans for Science Stages 3-5, Humanities and Social Sciences Stage 3, and Geography Stage 5 of the Australian curriculum.