Explore classroom activities developed in conjunction with the Saltwater Schools lesson plans for Science Stages 3-5, Humanities and Social Sciences Stage 3, and Geography Stage 5 of the Australian curriculum.
Activity sheets
These activities are designed for students in Years 5-10 (10-16).

Field trip
Plan a visit to a beach, river or lake with this sustainable fishing field trip guide.

Scientific key
Identify fish body, eye, mouth, tail fin, pectoral and dorsal fin shapes.

Supermarket survey
Visit a supermarket in search of sustainable seafood.

Unsustainable fishing cards
Explore shark finning, ghost fishing, endangered habitats, bycatch, and climate change.

The String Game
Introduce the idea of connections between organisms in a marine food web.

Fishery Factsheet: Rock Lobster
Learn about the Western Australia rock lobster fishery and take the rock lobster quiz.

Prior knowledge chart
Record what we know, what we would like to know, and what we have learned.
Ocean connection cards
Use these cards to discuss links between ocean spaces, activities, creatures, and seafoods.

Go Fish! sustainable fishing game
Play the game, understand how maximum sustainable yield is calculated.

Consequences kelp
Explore the causes and consequences of a problem from all angles.

Additional resources
Explore more tools, stories, videos, and data about our oceans.

Activities for Under 8s
Colouring sheets, puzzles, recipes, and more!
My dad the fisherman
Download and watch the videos

The life of a fisherman
Find out about what’s involved in fishing, what a fishery is, and about the challenges fishers face.

The most traded food in the world!
Explore the global fishing industry’s impact on our ocean.

What does overfishing mean for our ocean?
Resource Collections

National Science Week
Watch our student Q&As with scientists, chefs and fishers to learn about marine innovations and seafood sustainability.

World Ocean Day
World Ocean Day is celebrated around the world on 8 June each year, to raise awareness about how we can protect our big blue! Saltwater Schools has free curriculum-aligned resources to help you build ocean literacy with students.

Kahoot Quizzes
Have fun, take a dive into a topic, or assess learners’ knowledge and understanding with our quizzes for Australian teachers. Designed to support our learning materials or to be used on their own.
To download the videos open them in a new tab, right-click and save video as. Videos are around 20 MB each.
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