Find curriculum-aligned teaching resources for World Ocean Day which is celebrated around the world on 8th June each year.
World Ocean Day 2024
World Ocean Day is a moment to appreciate the LIFE, COLOUR, & FISH in our ocean and the CHOICE that sustainable fishing gives us. We have created a range of teacher resources to help students reflect on how sustainable fishing means more...
Download the Teacher's Kit

More Life
ACARA Version 9. Science - Years 5 to 8

More Colour
ACARA Version 9. Science - Years 5 to 8

More Fish
ACARA Version 9. Science - Years 5 to 8

More Choice
ACARA Version 9. Geography - Years 5 to 8
Can't access the videos?
Watch links for More Life - More Colour - More Fish - More Choice on Vimeo

Kahoot Quiz
In this Kahoot Quiz! students will play a version of the 'More Fish' lesson plan. Kahoot Pin: 003376355

Key Terms
Download this Key Terms sheet to guide students understanding with these activities.
A poem for the future of our ocean by Nicola Tsiolis
World Ocean Day 2023
World Ocean Day is an opportunity to celebrate the people worldwide working hard to protect ocean ecosystems. In this lesson plan, we will focus on real fisheries in Australia that are working to safeguard future generations of both people and fish.
Thank you, Fishers!
In this activity, students write to a fisher who is working hard to safeguard the ocean and fish for future generations!
Download the teacher's kit

Teacher's Guide - Australian Curriculum
Learn about fisheries in Australia that are working to safeguard future generations of both people and fish. Activities are adaptable for ages 7+ and Years 3 to 8 across English, Geography, Science, Visual Arts, and Design & Technology.

Thank you, Fishers! - Slides
Set of slides to be used with the Thank You, Fishers! lesson plan.

Kahoot Quiz: Atlantic Cod
Our Kahoot Quiz 'Cod: collapse, conservation, culture' (Game Pin: 009684789) tells the story of the cod fishery in Newfoundland, Canada, which collapsed in the 1980s after many years of overfishing.
World Ocean Day 2022
In this activity, learners investigate what taking care of the ocean involves for the people who catch our fish. They look at stories of real fishers taking steps to look after the ocean and find out what fishing sustainably really means in practice. Students are rewarded for their efforts with a sticker!
Lesson plan
In this lesson for World Ocean Day, students find out what sustainable fishing really means in practice.

Sticker Sheet
A printable Avery sticker template

Play Quiz
Play the World Ocean Day quiz that accompanies this lesson
World Ocean Day 2021
This resource offers a variety of sources, data and perspectives to help learners investigate the question of 'Life and Livelihoods'. Learners will develop their viewpoint and share it in creative formats. Activities are suitable for learners aged 10+ in Geography.

Teacher Guide - Australian Curriculum
Teacher Guide for lesson 'Life and Livelihoods' Subject: Geography, Years 5 and 6 Topic: Life and Livelihoods Reference: ACARA Australian Curriculum

Teacher Guide - NESA Syllabus
Teacher Guide for lesson 'Life and Livelihoods' Subject: Geography, Stage 3 Topic: Life and Livelihoods Reference: NESA Syllabus

Activity sheets
A combined PDF of the - Diamond Ranking Worksheet - Life, Balance and Livelihoods Resource Sheets - Enquiry Worksheet

Life and Livelihoods Powerpoint
Use this powerpoint to guide your students through the Life and Livelihoods lesson
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