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Celebrate World Ocean Day with a series of Curriculum aligned classroom activities for Science and Geography, Years 5 to 8.

Sustainable Fishing Means More...

In this lesson plan, learners reflect on the importance of the ocean for more-than-human life and discuss how sustainable fishing means more LIFE, COLOUR, FISH and CHOICE for everyone. Lesson plans include Powerpoint presentations, videos, a Kahoot Quiz, and short videos.

Download the teacher's kit

Can't access the videos? 

Watch links for More Life - More Colour - More Fish - More Choice on Vimeo

WIN $200 worth of dive gear!

Join the Saltwater Schools Poetry Competition for World Ocean Day 2024.

Learners write a short poem related to the ocean, using one of the following prompts:

  • More Life
  • More Colour
  • More Fish
  • More Choice

Submit your poem using the form below for a chance to WIN one of 2x $100 gift vouchers to Adreno dive store.

Poems can be submitted in the text box, or as a file. Either written, or spoken video formats are accepted.

See competition Terms and Conditions



Submit your poem

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I agree to the competition Terms & Conditions (above)

A poem for the future of our ocean by Nicola Tsiolis

A poem for the future of our ocean by Nicola Tsiolis
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