Explore education resources for Marine Studies students Years 7-12. All resources are aligned with the NESA Syllabus (New South Wales).
Years 7-10 (Stages 4 & 5): Marine and Aquaculture Technology
This resource is designed for teachers of Marine and Aquaculture Technology, Years 7 to 10.

Fishing Methods: Prawn Trawling in Australia
In this lesson for ages 12+ learners will study commercial prawn fishing in northern Australia. Students will examine the fishing method of bottom trawling, learn about the regulations and practices in place for sustainable fishing, and learn to peel and cook a prawn.
Years 11-12 (Stage 6) - Marine Studies
These resources are designed for teachers of Marine Studies students, Years 11 and 12.

Fishing Methods: Prawn Trawling in Australia
In this lesson, students will study commercial prawn fishing in northern Australia. Students will examine the fishing method of bottom trawling, learn about the regulations and practices in place for sustainable fishing, and learn to peel and cook a prawn.
Watch a video about the Northern Prawn Fishery
Prawn Fishers Innovate to Reduce Bycatch
Classroom activities and video clips
Explore classroom activities developed in conjunction with the Saltwater Schools lesson plans for Science Stages 3-5, Humanities and Social Sciences Stage 3, and Geography Stage 5 of the Australian curriculum.
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