Watch a video about the fishers who harvest kuti (pipis) with their feet on Ngarrindjeri Country, and complete the exercises. All resources are aligned with Version 9 of the ACARA Australian Curriculum.
Fishing with your Feet
In this short film students visit the Coorong National Park on Ngarrindjeri Country, South Australia and learn how the local kuti fishers use their feet to fish sustainably.
Back on Country - the Kuti Co story
Download lesson plans
Lesson plans are available for learners in Geography, ages 6+
Fishing with your Feet - Geography 1&2
Students explore concepts of working on lands and waters, care for Country, and connections with place.
Fishing with your Feet - Geography 7&8
Students explore concepts of natural resource values, care for Country, and sustainable fishing.
Taste Kuti for yourself!
Visit the Kuti Shack on the Fleurieu Peninsula, South Australia, to taste the fresh local pipis supplied by Kuti Co. and MSC-certified Goolwa PipiCo. While you are there, make sure to check out Cedric Varcoe's spectacular mural on the outside building, which represents life and fishing on Ngarrindjeri Country.
If you live outside of South Australia, you can still cook your very own pipis by looking out for Goolwa PipiCo. pipi fresh and ready-made packs in your local supermarket.
Sea Country Stories
Want more stories from Ngarrindjeri Country? Sea Country Stories is an original project by Green Island Creative, which brings together Australian Indigenous knowledge holders, artists and creators with educators, museums and sustainable fishers for the first time. This project addresses unidimensional stories of Australia's oceanic history and a lack of confidence amongst Australian teachers to integrate Indigenous perspectives in the classroom, with an immersive experience of being on Sea Country and a set of Australian curriculum-aligned lesson plans.
Sea Country Stories
Join senior Ngarrindjeri elder Major 'Moogy' Sumner as he demonstrates how to make the kaiki, freshwater reed spear.
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