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Ocean misinformation has the power to do more harm than good. There are many people working hard every day to restore ocean health and sustainably manage the ocean. We believe in recognising and rewarding good practices to incentivise change on a global scale. We're combatting ocean misinformation by supporting ocean literacy efforts. By taking a fact and evidence-based approach to learning, we can empower and inspire young minds to take positive action to protect our ocean.

This information will help you to...

  • Critically assess the Netlfix film Seaspiracy and its impact on ocean conservation?
  • Provide a two side overview of the issues facing the world’s oceans?
  • Evaluate the claim ‘sustainable fishing doesn’t exist’  
  • Assess the socio-economic and environmental impact if the world stopped eating fish.
  • Explore what extent has Seaspiracy has been successful at improving ocean health?
  • Critically evaluate if the sustainable seafood movement is doing enough to improve ocean health? And ... what more could it do?


Responses to Seaspiracy

The oceans will not be empty by 2048

Eating fish can be a good choice for the planet

Bycatch does not equate to 40% of the catch

Find out more