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Te Moana Nui a Kiwa / Pacific Ocean & Tasman Sea / Te Tai o Rehua
Browse the following ocean-themed resources below.

Ngā Ika Moana o Aotearoa
A set of cards to help learn the common and Māori names for some Aotearoa New Zealand fishes.

Ngā Ika Moana o Aotearoa
A Kahoot quiz game to test your ability to identify and name some common Aotearoa New Zealand fish.

Fishing Methods
PowerPoint Slide Set exploring six common fishing methods. Includes links to short film clips illustrating each method and discussion of pros and cons of methods.

Fishing Methods
Information sheet focussing on types of fishing methods including some of the pros and cons of each method in terms of environmental protection and bycatch. Includes: Information sheet, extension activities as well as questions (with teacher answers).

Fishing Methods
Set of Cards to support learning about fishing methods used to catch fish commercially in Aotearoa New Zealand.

Aotearoa NZ Commercially Fished Kai Moana Species
A database of commonly fished Aotearoa New Zealand fish species that includes information on: location, sustainability, fishing methods, cooking tips and other interesting facts!

Protected Species Bycatch
Captures of seabirds, marine mammals, and turtles recorded by fisheries observers within New Zealand waters. The data are grouped by taxa and by fishing method. The table gives the number of observed captures.

Bycatch of Protected Species: Hectors & Maui Dolphin
Up to date data and maps that measure the number of reported Hector’s and Māui dolphin deaths from entanglement, categorised where possible by type of fishing gear involved. Data available from 1998 to today.

Tracking Plastics in our Ocean around Aotearoa New Zealand
This interactive tool allows you to see what happens to plastics once they hit the ocean. You can track the movement of plastics from different locations around Aotearoa New Zealand, including a beach near you! There is also a good article about this tool available at the Science Learning Hub.

New Kiwi Made Sustainable Fishing Method: Precision Seafood Harvesting
Discover a new fishing method (PSH) that has been developed by Kiwis for use around Aotearoa NZ. The film explains how the PSH method reduces bycatch and improves the quality of the fish when landed. A great illustration of Kiwi ingenuity and the application of technology to improve sustainability!

NZ Fisheries Observer - Holly Lane
Talks about what it’s like to work as a fisheries observer and the role that observers play in collecting scientific data to ensure sustainable fishing!

How Technology is Changing the way we Fish
Technology is changing the way that we fish and helping to improve sustainability of fishing here in Aotearoa New Zealand. A great illustration of some of the great things that are happening in the Aotearoa New Zealand Commercial fishing industry.
Te Ika a Maui / North Island
Browse the following North Island themed resources below.

Te Kaitiaki Toheroa - Northland Toheroa and Kaitiakitanga
New Zealand Geographic article telling the story of Toheroa, a northland shellfish that was over harvested and the kaitiaki working to recover toheroa.

Guardianship (Kaitiakitanga)
A short film produced by Seafood New Zealand exploring kaitiakitanga in fisheries including a rāhui put in place by the local Maraeta community.

Ko āu te moana. Ko moana te āu.
Our Home. Our Kāpiti. Kaumātua Koro Don Te Māipi shares his thoughts on why our beaches are such special taonga.

Leigh Fisheries' (North of Auckland) New Zealand Story
Short film profiling sustainability and North Auckland commercial fishing company. Includes discussion around sustainability, minimising environmental effects and traceability in the ocean to plate supply chain.

Kaitaikitanga and the Toheroa Fishery
Great case study of sustainability! Looks at the history of the Northland Toheroa fishery that was over harvested and how Toheroa are slowly making a comeback.

North Island Fishing Rules App
Download the Fishing Rules App to stay up to date with North Island recreational fishing rules.

Tāiko Black Petrel on Great Barrier Island
Short film from the Department of Conservation looking at conservation of Black Petrel on Great Barrier Island. Black Petrel are Great Barrier Island has the largest breeding colony of Black Petrel in the world!

Tāiko Black Petrel and Commercial Fishing
Black petrels have learned the easiest way to get food is to forage at the back of fishing vessels, where they risk becoming caught on baited hooks or entangled in both recreational and commercial fishing gear. Moana New Zealand's independent fishers are trained in seabird smart mitigation techniques to ensure minimal harm comes to these precious taonga. Losing a breeding bird has a significant impact because it means its chick also dies.

Tāiko Black Petrel & a Marine Food Web
A short film from Young Ocean Explorers looking at seabirds, including the Black Petrel. Great footage of a marine food web in action!

Protected Species Bycatch
Captures of seabirds, marine mammals, and turtles recorded by fisheries observers within New Zealand waters. The data are grouped by taxa and by fishing method. The table gives the number of observed captures.

Capture of Tāiko Black Petrel as Bycatch
Access a set of raw data, maps and graphs illustrating the changing bycatch of Black Petrel by fishers in Aotearoa New Zealand waters. Data from 2002 to 2018.

Bycatch of Protected Species: Hectors & Maui Dolphin
Up to date data and maps that measure the number of reported Hector’s and Māui dolphin deaths from entanglement, categorised where possible by type of fishing gear involved. Data available from 1998 to today.

Sustainable Fishing Innovations with Napier’s Better Fishing
The story of Karl Warr, commercial fisher and owner of Better Fishing in Napier who is changing the world through innovation and transparency. Karl is the first fisherman in the world to live-stream his catch on the internet so you can see how the fish on your plate are caught!

A Wairarapa Rock Lobster Fisherman
Johnny Burkhart is a rock lobster fisherman based in the Wairarapa. He talks about his livelihood, his job and what he loves about working as a fisherman.

Tracking Plastics in our Ocean around Aotearoa New Zealand
This interactive tool allows you to see what happens to plastics once they hit the ocean. You can track the movement of plastics from different locations around Aotearoa New Zealand, including a beach near you! There is also a good article about this tool available at the Science Learning Hub.
Te Waipounamu / South Island
Browse the following South Island themed resources below.

Guardianship (Kaitiakitanga)
A short film produced by Seafood New Zealand exploring kaitiakitanga in fisheries and the Kaikoura Pāua fishery. Great local examples of sustainability, kaitiakitanga and the love that communities have for their fishery taonga!

NZ Hoki Story - West Coast & South Island
A great interactive story about the recent history of the Aotearoa New Zealand Hoki fishery. Explores the sustainability of the fishery and includes insights into what it’s like to fish for Hoki off the South Island’s West Coast.

What it’s like to Work as a Deepwater Commercial Fishing Skipper
Captain Chris Patrick talks about his job as a skipper of a Deepsea factory ship that fishes for Hoki out of Nelson, often off the West Coast off the South Island and what he loves about it!

Protected Species Bycatch
Captures of seabirds, marine mammals, and turtles recorded by fisheries observers within New Zealand waters. The data are grouped by taxa and by fishing method. The table gives the number of observed captures.

Bycatch of Protected Species: Hectors & Maui Dolphin
Up to date data and maps that measure the number of reported Hector’s and Māui dolphin deaths from entanglement, categorised where possible by type of fishing gear involved. Data available from 1998 to today.

What it’s like to Work as an Inshore Commercial Fishing Skipper
Tony Roach talks about his job as an Inshore Commercial Fishing Skipper out of Nelson. Includes discussion about sustainability, the environment and the quota management system.

The Fishing Community & What it’s like to Work in the Seafood Industry
Film that explores what it’s like to be part of the fishing community. Focusses on the fishing community around the South Island including Bluff, Southland, and Nelson.

Sustainable Fishing Initiative by one Southland Commercial Fisher
This Southland fisher is taking a different approach to commercial fishing - fishing to order! Catches include Hāpuku (pictured), pāua, and koura / crayfish. Great example of small scale artisan sustainable fishing!... and the good things that are starting to happen in our Commercial Fishing Industry.

Tracking Plastics in our Ocean around Aotearoa New Zealand
This interactive tool allows you to see what happens to plastics once they hit the ocean. You can track the movement of plastics from different locations around Aotearoa New Zealand, including a beach near you! There is also a good article about this tool available at the Science Learning Hub.

South Island Fishing Rules App
Download the Fishing Rules App to stay up to date with South Island recreational fishing rules.
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