Explore our classroom activities for both inside and outside.
These resources can be used to
- support learning using the House of Science Antarctica Kit
- celebrate International Antarctica Day (1 December)
- learn more about the Southern Ocean, the history of Antarctic harvesting, krill and Antarctic fisheries.
NOTE: Some of these resources were developed in partnership with the International Antarctic Centre.
About the MSC & the Southern Ocean

Scientific key activity to learn about fish adaptations
Identify fish body, eye, mouth, tail fin, pectoral and dorsal fin shapes. Includes simple easy to use scientific keys.

String game (food webs)
A game to demonstrate the complexity of ocean food webs. Includes printable cards and instructions. All you need is a printer, hole punch and some string!

Ngā ika moana (New Zealand fishes) cards and Kahoot!
Printable cards to help identify ngā ika moana, fishes of Aotearoa New Zealand. Includes supporting activities (including a Kahoot! quiz).

Fishy factsheet & worksheet
How do fish breathe? What is a fish made of? This factsheet and worksheet will demystify some basic biology and ecology of fishes.

Overfishing fishing cards
A simple activity using cards and images to convey the meaning of overfishing.

Go fish! Game
Can learners work in groups to find the maximum sustainable yield of a fish population? This game aims to help learners understand how human and physical processes interact to influence and change the marine environment. It demonstrates how human activity relies on the effective functioning of natural systems.

Fishing method cards
A fun way to learn about the different methods of fishing.

Oceans at risk factsheet with questions
Some important facts about current threats to the ocean and a set of multi choice questions to test how well you read!

Importance of the Sea Ocean Connections Cards
Learners classify as true or false a range of statements about the importance of the sea.

Sea Creatures Te kararehe o te wai cards
Identify and learn to name Aotearoa New Zealand sea creatures by their Māori and English names.

Kaitiakitanga worksheet
Learn a little about what kaitiakitanga means when spending time in and around the ocean. Answers some simple multi choice questions to see how well you read.

Fisheries scientist story worksheet
Read about the life of a fisheries scientist and answer some simple multi choice questions to check how well you read.

Supermarket survey
Visit your local supermarket and survey for the seafood on offer there.

Aspects of sustainability
Investigate the what it means to live in way that supports social, economic, environmental and cultural sustainability for the oceans. For older learners.

Value statement cards
Use these cards to help form and clarify your own viewpoint on a range of ocean related issues.

Local fish field trip
Visit a local wharf or ocean site and meet some of your local fishes and sea creatures.

Local spotty worksheet
Learn more about this iconic Aotearoa New Zealand fish!

Marine habitat cards
Use these cards to learn some cool facts about the ocean; and explore the nature of different habitats and the fishes that live there. Easy and harder options available.

Bycatch in a bucket (game)
Play this simple game in your classroom to gain understanding about how hard it can be to catch your target fish and not bycatch!

QMS worksheet
Use this worksheet to understand more about how we manage fisheries in Aotearoa New Zealand using the QMS (Quota Management System).

Bycatch field trip
Try our no hard field trip and catch fish using the bait catcher method. Assess your fishing method for its ability to catch the target species and bycatch.
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