Designed for Levels 5+ and adaptable material for levels 3-5+, in this topic we explore the past, present and future of fishing in Aotearoa New Zealand!
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History of Aotearoa fishing
Investigate how our use and management of Aotearoa New Zealand fish stocks has changed over time and some key moments in our fishing history.
🎚 Level: 3-5+
⌚ Duration: 50 + minutes
✍ Curriculum areas: Science, Pūtaiao, Social Science, Tikanga-ā-iwi, Geography
🌟 Key competencies: Thinking; Managing Self; Relating to others
🔤 Keywords: Treaty settlement
📌 Location: Indoors
⏭ Next steps (this topic): Aotearoa: Business of fishing today, Future opportunities and challenges, Exploration, innovation and enterprise
⏭ Next steps (other topics): Ocean Citizenship
📚 Prior learning: Fisheries Management
Key moments in the history of Aotearoa’s fishing industry include Māori traditional methods & tikanga; early European settlement, refrigeration and early commercial fishing; the inshore boom, the influx of foreign fishers, declaration of New Zealand’s EEZ, as well as the Quota Management System and Treaty settlements.
Focus Questions:
What are some key moments in the history of fishing in Aotearoa?
What new words and concepts have we learnt?
Learning outcomes:
Describe key moments in the history of fishing and Māori fishing in Aotearoa New Zealand
Use scientific and fishery management related vocabulary
History of Aotearoa fishing OUTLINE
Access to internet (for research)
Something to write with
Activities include:
DISCUSS whakataukī, proverbs and sayings about fishing
BRAINSTORM key moments in the history of New Zealand fishing
INVESTIGATE how attitudes to fish stocks have changed over time
INVITE local Kaumātua, grandparents or fisher folk to talk about fishing experiences first hand
EXPLORE key periods in the history of Aotearoa fishing
RESEARCH key periods in the history of Aotearoa fishing
CREATE a digital timeline, Powtoon, Slowmation or paper based timeline
RESEARCH the Treaty of Waitangi and Māori fisheries
WRITE about the key periods in the history of Aotearoa fishing

Business of fishing today
Investigate the size and economic value of Aotearoa’s seafood industry.
🎚 Level: 3-5+
⌚ Duration: 50+ minutes
✍ Curriculum areas: Science, Pūtaiao, Social Science, Tikanga-ā-iwi, Geography
🌟 Key competencies: Thinking; Managing Self; Relating to others
🔤 Keywords: Sustainable, Exports, Production, Fishing industry, Consumption
📌 Location: Indoors
⏭ Next steps (this topic): Future opportunities and challenges, Exploration, innovation and enterprise
⏭ Next steps (other topics): Ocean citizenship
📚 Prior learning: Fisheries Management
Around 600,000 tonnes of seafood (excluding aquaculture) is harvested from New Zealand's waters each year. In 2018, 267,901 tonnes of seafood were exported from Aotearoa New Zealand. The seafood industry globally and here in Aotearoa New Zealand is a huge industry.
Focus Questions:
What is the size and economic value of Aotearoa’s seafood industry today?
What new words and concepts have we learnt?
Learning Outcomes:
Investigate the size and economic value of Aotearoa New Zealand’s seafood industry today
Use scientific and fishery management related vocabulary
Aotearoa Business of fishing today SLIDE SET
Aotearoa Business of fishing today OUTLINE
Access to internet
Something to write with
Activities include:
DISCUSS key facts about the Aotearoa New Zealand Seafood industry
GRAPH fisheries harvest data
INTERPRET and DISCUSS data about seafood exports
EXPLORE how sustainable our fishing industry is
Take the true false QUIZ about the Aotearoa seafood industry
Create an INFOGRAPHIC about Aotearoa’s fishing industry using canva or similar

Future challenges and opportunities
Explore global seafood industry production and consumption patterns and investigate whether current seafood consumption and production is sustainable?
🎚 Level: 3-5+
⌚ Duration: 45+ minutes
✍ Curriculum areas: Science, Pūtaiao, Social Science, Tikanga-ā-iwi, Geography
🌟 Key competencies: Thinking; Managing Self; Relating to others
🔤 Keywords: Growth, Sustainable development, Consumption, Production
📌 Location: Indoors
⏭ Next steps (this topic): Exploration, innovation and enterprise
⏭ Next steps (other topics): Ocean Citizenship
📚 Prior learning: Fisheries Management
Global seafood production and consumption are higher than ever before. More than one third of fish stocks are still being overfished. A recent study found that about 35% of the global harvest is wasted every year! This scenario presents both challenges and opportunities for our Aotearoa New Zealand seafood industry.
Focus Questions:
What future challenges and opportunities face Aotearoa’s seafood industry?
What new words and concepts have we learnt?
Learning Outcomes:
Identify future challenges and opportunities for the Aotearoa New Zealand seafood industry
Use scientific and fishery management related vocabulary
Exploration Innovation Enterprise SLIDE SET
Teacher outline: Future challenges and opportunities (7.3)
Access to graphing tools or software
Something to write with
Activities include:
CONSIDER opportunities & challenges brought about by global growth of seafood production & consumption
INVESTIGATE whether we actually use all the fish we catch
Create a bar GRAPH using data for global food loss and waste
COMPARE the effectiveness visually, of the bar graph vs. pie charts
DISCUSS the sustainability of global fishing
CONSIDER if the global fishing industry meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs?
Extend thinking by EXPLORING whether fish grown in a laboratory are the answer to meeting global demand?

Exploration, innovation and enterprise
Investigate several local and global examples of innovative approaches to seafood production and supply chain.
🎚 Level: 3-5+
⌚ Duration: 45+ minutes
✍ Curriculum areas: Science, Pūtaiao, Hauora, Social Science, Tikanga-ā-iwi, Geography
🌟 Key competencies: Thinking; Managing Self; Relating to others
🔤 Keywords: Innovation, Exploration, Enterprise
📌 Location: Indoors
⏭ Next steps (this topic): Review
⏭ Next steps (other topics): Ocean citizenship
📚 Prior learning: Overfishing, Sustainable fishing; Fisheries Management
Aotearoa New Zealand is often seen as an innovative & enterprising world leader in fisheries.
Focus Questions:
What role do enterprise, innovation and exploration play in growing fishing businesses?
What new words and concepts have we learnt?
Learning Outcomes:
Explore the role of enterprise, innovation and exploration in growing fishing business
Use scientific and fishery management related vocabulary
Slide set: Exploration, innovation and enterprise (7.4)
Teacher outline: Exploration, innovation and enterprise (7.4 & 7.5)
Case study Lee Fish Worksheet
Internet access for readings and film clips
Something to write with
Activities include:
EXPLORE the meaning of key terms
Learn about Aotearoa New Zealand’s innovative approach to fisheries and WATCH Sustainable Oceans & Seas
Take the Kahoot QUIZ to test understanding of film content
INVESTIGATE examples of innovation, exploration and enterprise in the Aotearoa seafood industry by WATCHING Innovation – we’re fishing smarter
INVITE a Kaumātua or grandparent to visit and talk about how fishing has changed over time
INTERVIEW or SURVEY whānau, family or community members about their fishing practices
READ about innovations and use of technology in the Southern Ocean to reduce bird bycatch
WATCH a film about the new innovative fishing method PSH
READ about Better Fishing’s innovative approach
WATCH Hook Line and Thinker about Gravity Fishing’s innovative approach to their supply chain
WATCH the short film about Lee Fish and CONSIDER how innovations they have used to grow their business
DISCUSS Callaghan Innovation and their recent award to BlueTide Aquaculture

Review key concepts
Review learning from this topic using the activities provided below.
🎚 Level: 3-5+
⌚ Duration: 45+ minutes
✍ Curriculum areas: Science, Pūtaiao, Hauora, Social Science, Tikanga-ā-iwi, Geography
🌟 Key competencies: Thinking; Managing Self; Relating to others
🔤 Keywords: Innovation, Exploration, Exports, Seafood Industry, Consumption, Production, Sustainable Development
📌 Location: Indoors
⏭ Next steps (this topic): None
⏭ Next steps (other topics): Ocean citizenship
Review key learning about Aotearoa New Zealand’s fishing industry past, present and future.
Focus Questions:
What new words and concepts have we learnt?
Learning Outcomes:
Use seafood industry related vocabulary
Activities include:
WRITE about what you have learnt in this topic using words provided

Back to Topic 6
Seafood supply chain, jobs, illegal fishing & slavery at sea - Māu te taiata, māku te taiahiahi

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Taking action, values, choice & responsibilities - Ko āu te moana, Ko te moana ko āu

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