Have fun, take a dive into a topic, or assess learners’ knowledge and understanding with our quizzes. Designed to support our learning materials or to be used on their own.

World Ocean Day Kahoot 2024
The ocean sustains our whole planet. But it is unquestionably under pressure due to global warming or human activities such as overfishing. World Ocean Day is a great moment to learn more about how sustainable fishing contributes to protecting the ocean. Play our kahoot to test your knowledge.
Sustainable ocean & New Zealand ocean specific Kahoot! Quizzes

Test what you know about tuna, one of the most eaten fish in the world.

What do you know about penguins? Try this Kahoot! and learn some fun facts about these amazing birds.

Kararehe o te wai / Sea Creatures
Can you identify these sea creatures using a common Māori name?

Sustainable fishing
Explore key concepts and ideas important to understanding sustainable fishing.

Overfishing & Sustainable Fishing
A set of questions that review key concepts covered in the Overfishing & Sustainable Fishing topic of Te Kawa o Tangaroa Marine Stewardship Council NZ education resource.

Cod fishery collapse
Did you know that the collapse of the Atlantic Cod fishery on the Grand Banks bought the issue of overfishing to the attention of the world? Use this Kahoot! to learn more.

NZ Marine Fishes / Nga Ika Moana o Aotearoa
Can you identify these fishes found around Aotearoa New Zealand using a common Māori name?

Ways we are connected with ocean
Test your knowledge about some of the vital ways our lives and survival is intimately connected with ocean.

Oceans at Risk - Ocean Sustainability & Overfishing
How much do you know about ocean environmental health?

Southern Ocean Literacy
Test your knowledge about the southern ocean.

Antarctic Ocean Krill
Use this Kahoot! to test your knowledge and learn more about Antarctic Ocean Krill.

Antarctic Krill & the Antarctic Krill Fishery
Lean more about Antarctic Krill and the Antarctic Krill Fishery.

World leading - NZ fisheries leading the way
Watch Seafood New Zealand's short video "World Leading: how we're leading the way" and play this Kahoot! Link to film: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ciAHnxl-pos

My Dad the Fisherman
Watch the short film called 'My Dad the Fisherman' produced by the Marine Stewardship Council to promote awareness of overfishing and sustainable fishing then take this Kahoot! Link to film: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OIsA8xQ7WbQ

Sustainable ocean & seas - NZ Quota Management System
Watch the film Sustainable Oceans and Seas about New Zealand's fisheries management and the Quota Management System. Then play this Kahoot! Link to film: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sDh2Cn2bNxk&t=2s

Questions to accompany the story "Whaitere - the enchanted stingray" at http://eng.mataurangamaori.tki.org.nz/Support-materials/Te-Reo-Maori/Maori-Myths-Legends-and-Contemporary-Stories/Whaitere-the-enchanted-stingray

Antarctic fishing stories - Beating bird bycatch
Quiz to accompany the Marine Stewardship Council story on 'Beating Bird Bycatch' - Smarter fishing practices dramatically reduce the number of seabird deaths See: http://beating-bird-bycatch-stories.msc.org

Science & Sustainable Catch
Explore the Science & Sustainable Catch Topic and take this quiz or just take the quiz to test your knowledge of fisheries science.
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