Join schools around the world and write a letter to a fisher! Our curriculum-aligned lesson plan for students Years 3 to 8 will guide you.
Thank you, Fishers
In this lesson plan, learners meet the real fishers in Australia who are taking steps to look after the ocean and find out what fishing sustainably really means in practice. Activities are adaptable for Years 3 to 8, across English, Geography, Economics and Business, Science, Visual Arts, and Design & Technology.Download the teacher's kit

Teacher's Guide - Australian Curriculum
Learn about fisheries in Australia that are working to safeguard future generations of both people and fish. Activities are adaptable for ages 7+ and Years 3 to 8 across English, Geography, Science, Visual Arts, and Design & Technology.

Thank you, Fishers! - Slides
Set of slides to be used with the Thank You, Fishers! lesson plan.

Kahoot Quiz: Atlantic Cod
Our Kahoot Quiz 'Cod: collapse, conservation, culture' (Game Pin: 009684789) tells the story of the cod fishery in Newfoundland, Canada, which collapsed in the 1980s after many years of overfishing.
Write a Letter to a Fisher
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