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Whole ocean clams with seaweed salad

Prep time
5 mins
Cooking Time
10 mins


This recipe was provided by Sea Watch, International

  • Sea Watch whole ocean quahog clams
  • Asian soup spoons or clam shells
  • Seaweed salad
  • Sweet Thai chili sauce
  • Mango, thinly sliced into slivers
  • Pickled ginger
  • Toasted black and white sesame seeds


  1. Spin seaweed salad into a nest and place into the spoon or shell.
  2. Place one clam on top of seaweed, drizzle with sauce, top with slivers of mango, sprinkle with sesame seeds.
  3. Serve ginger on the side.
  4. Optional: Place spoons or shells on shaved ice on a plate or serving bowl.
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