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MSC Certified New Zealand Rockling fish with avocado purée, crispy potato, grilled baby leeks & Sauce Vierge

Prep time
90 mins
Cooking Time
30 mins


Avocado Purée

  • 2 hass avocado’s
  • 2 fresh limes
  • tabasco sauce

Crispy potatoes

  • 200g russet potatoes (become fluffy when boiled, not waxy)
  • 200 ml olive oil

Sauce Vierge

  • 100g cherry vine tomatoes
  • 50g kalamata olives (Italian olives pit in)
  • 20g fresh parsley
  • 20g fresh basil
  • 120 ml extra virgin Olive oil
  • 40 ml red wine vinegar

Grilled baby leeks

  • 8 baby leeks
  • 30 ml olive oil

MSC New Zealand Rockling Fish

  • 600g 4 x 150g portions
  • 200ml olive oil
  • sea salt


Avocado Purée

  1. In a blender, purée the avocados with fresh lime juice (add as much or as little juice as you wish).
  2. Add a few drops of the tabasco sauce and blend until smooth (the tabasco and the lime juice will help bring out the flavour of the avocado, as well as tie in the flavours of the dish).
  3. Remove the purée from blender into a container and chill. (Any avocado purée left over can be used on crackers or as a dip for following days).

Crispy potatoes

  1. Peel and boil the potatoes until semi-soft. (start with cold water and a little salt).
  2. Remove the potatoes from the water and allow to cool.
  3. Once the potatoes are cool enough, break the potatoes with a fork into small pieces (slightly larger than a whole olive).
  4. Heat olive oil in a pan to medium heat and add the potatoes. Remove the potatoes once crispy. (The crispy potatoes will add texture to your dish and will be added to your Sauce just before serving).

Sauce Vierge

  1. Quarter your cherry vine tomatoes.
  2. Unpit your olives (remove the stone) and slice. (Pitted olives have less flavour; this is why I would recommend buying olives with the stone in, for the best flavour).
  3. Whisk the olive oil and vinegar together with a little salt and pepper. Add the olives and cherry tomatoes, mix together and allow to marinate and infuse for 20 minutes.
  4. Cut your herbs (thinly slice).
  5. Just before serving, toss the herbs and crispy potatoes into the tomatoes and olives.

Grilled baby leeks

  1. Trim the baby leeks (remove the tops of your leeks so the length of each leek is around 14cm).
  2. Rub with olive oil and sea salt.
  3. Cook with a medium heat on a grill / pan-seared will be fine.
  4. Once they have a good colour, remove from the heat (approx. 5min), leave to cool for 2 minutes and add to the Sauce Vierge.

MSC New Zealand Rockling Fish

  1. Warm the oil in a pan on a medium heat, add the fish skin side down and cook until the skin is golden brown and crispy.
  2. Remove the fish from the pan and put on a baking tray skin side up ready to bake at 180*C (pre heat oven).
  3. When ready bake in the oven for 5-6 min, take the fish out of the oven and allow to rest for 2 minutes before serving.

To serve

  1. On a plate or a large bowl, spoon a dollop of avocado purée and swipe across the plate.
  2. Lay the rockling fish across the avocado purée with the side of the fish skin facing up.
  3. Spoon your Sauce Vierge over the fish and around the plate.
  4. Lay your grilled leeks in the desired position.
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