MSC Student Research Grants support postgraduate students around the world who are studying fisheries science.
Applications are currently closed
The grants support students carrying out a research project in collaboration with fisheries that are engaged in the MSC program, including certified and those committed to meeting the MSC Fisheries Standard.
Grants of up to £10,000 are available to current postgraduate fisheries science students, studying for their Master's course or PhD anywhere in the world.
Integrated Master's students are eligible to apply during their final year only.
To be eligible, students must collaborate with a fishery that meets one of the following criteria:
- MSC certified
- In the In-Transition to MSC program
- A stage 4 pathway project fishery or a comprehensive fishery improvement project (FIP)
Available funding
Between £5,000 and £10,000
This year we are increasing the maximum grant available to students
Duration of funding
Up to 12 months
(or 18 months in exceptional circumstances)
Applications close
02 December 2024
23:59 UTC
How to apply
If you are unsure who your representative is, you can email our Ocean Stewardship Fund team.
Previous grant recipients
The MSC has awarded over £170,000 to over 40 student projects in 17 countries since 2012.
In 2024, a total of £16,000 was awarded to students carrying out projects based in Mexico, South Africa and Suriname.
2024 grant projects
South Africa hake: Investigating interactions with mammals

Mexico Pacific sardine: Improving brown pelican population estimates
Mexican barred sand bass: Improving scientific knowledge

Suriname trawl fishery: Smartphone app to identify protected species
Genetic testing to identify octopus species in Madagascan fishery
Cretus Mtonga, The Leibniz Centre for Tropical Marine Research, Germany
Identifying environmental factors impacting Cape hake
Fisokuhle Mbatha, University of Cape Town, South Africa
Identifying distinct squid populations in Indonesia
Reza Alnanda, Institut Pertanian Bogor, Indonesia
Managing skate bycatch in the Australian toothfish fishery
Colette Appert, University of Tasmania, Australia
Reza Alnanda, Institut Pertanian Bogor, Indonesia
Boosting gonad health in Mexico red sea urchins
Saranya A Sankar, Cochin University of Science and Technology
Safeguarding the future of India’s shrimp and squid fisheries
Aubrey Mathews, University of Exeter
Mapping risks to endangered species in the North Sea Wash brown shrimp fishery
Mayra Benítez Arellano, Marist University of Mérida
Growing the supply of sustainable Mexican red octopus to meet demand
Leni Maryani, IPB University
Innovative DNA methods to age blue swimming crabs in Indonesia
Identifying incidental bycatch species of the blue swimming crab fishery in the Java Sea using environmental DNA techniques
Katherine Leigh, UCSB Bren School of Environmental Science and Management, California
Developing a model to predict the survival of blue swimming crabs in Indonesian fisheries in response to climate change
Tri Ernawati, IPB University, Indonesia
Identifying different snapper stocks in the Makassar Strait in Indonesia to help the Snapper Grouper fishery improvement project develop a sustainable management plan
Bianca Haas, University of Tasmania, Australia
Bianca studied how Regional Fisheries Management Organisations respond to sustainability initiatives and environmental agreements such as the UN SDGs.
Guilherme Suzano Coqueiro, Federal University of Paraná, Brazil
How small-scale traditional community fisheries in southern Brazil have been adapting to using bycatch reduction devices.
Rodrigo Oyanedel, University of Oxford, UK
Rodrigo is researching the illegal fishing of common hake in Chile which is affecting local fishers that depend on hake fishing for their livelihoods. He will investigate the drivers for illegal fishing and look at how the fishery can work to prevent illegal fishing.
Santiago Bianchi, Universidad Nacional in Mar del Plata and Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo Pesquero, Argentina
Santiago studied how to reduce spider crab bycatch in the Argentine southern king crab fisheries.
Zelin Chen, University of Washington, USA
Researched management strategies for a quota-based management system in China’s red swimming crab fishery.
Matthew Coleman, Heriot-Watt University, UK
Trialled a new way of tagging European lobster to monitoring stocks off the coast of Scotland
Laurissa Christie, University of Windsor, Canada
Researched the influence of sea ice on deep-water food web dynamics in the Arctic.
Catherine Seguel, Universidad Austral de Chile
Mapped the value chain of the Chilean marmola crab fishery at a regional, national, international level.
Ahmad Catur Widyatmoko, University of Basque Country, Spain and MER Consortium
Studied the use of Fish Aggregating Devices in small-scale Indonesian tuna fisheries
Lily Zhao, University of Washington & Stockholm Resilience Centre
Mapped the trade flows of octopus in East Africa.
Timothy Munyikana Kakai, Pwani University in Kenya
Trialled the use of LED lights on nets to reduce turtle bycatch in Kenyan artisanal fisheries.
Hunter Snyder, Harvard Business School & Memorial University
Investigated best practice in sustainable seaweed aquaculture in Indonesia.
Ana Crisol Méndez Medina, El Colegio de la Frontera
Conducted social research around illegal fishing and the enforcement systems established by local fishing cooperatives in Mexico.
Rachel Mullins, Rhodes University in South Africa
Used genetic sequencing technology to examine population structures of yellowfin tuna in South Africa
Joao Rodrigues, University of Santiago de Compostela in Spain
Investigated the environmental and economic challenges of seafood supply chains in developing countries.
Cristina Andres, University of Huelva, Spain
Studied the distribution of tuna species surrounding a UNESCO World Heritage site, Cocos Island National Park, in the eastern Pacific.
Josu De Isusi Rivero, University of Santiago de Compostela in Spain
Researched the adaptive capacity of the port of Vigo in global seafood markets.
Fanny Vessaz, Federal University of Paraná in Brazil
Researched the use of bycatch reduction devices in the southern Brazilian artisanal seabob shrimp trawl fishery
Miguel Cosmelli, University of California, Santa Barbara (USA)
Conducted a socioeconomic assessment of the artisanal Lobster fishery in Juan Fernandez Islands, Chile.
José Alberto Zepeda Domínguez, Institut de Ciències del Mar – Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas (ICM-CSIC)
Researched management structures for successful fisheries in Gulf of California fisheries.
Floor Bokkes, Wageningen University, Netherlands
Analysed the effectiveness of the Blue Swimming Crab Fisheries Improvement Project in Indonesia.
Chris Poonian, University of Nottingham, UK
Studied coastal fisheries management traditions of the Bedu of South Sinai and implications for modern‐day conservation in Egypt.
Giulia Gorelli, Institut de Ciències del Mar – Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas (ICM-CSIC)
Studied the effects of closing the fishery of the deep-sea shrimp Aristeus atennatus during winter season in the Mediterranean.
Student Research Grant project features

Traditional knowledge and modern devices
Guilherme Suzano Coqueiro's research project is working to see how modern devices and traditional knowledge can work together to improve Brazilian shrimp fisheries’ sustainability.

Tracking anchored FAD use in Indonesian fisheries
Fish aggregating devices or FADs are a type of fishing gear used by many small-scale fisheries. Ahmad Catur Widyatmoko tracks their use in Indonesian tuna fisheries.

Could genetics help sustain yellowfin tuna?
Rachel B. Mullins has used MSC research funding to conduct next-generation DNA sequencing of yellowfin tuna.