Position: Climate Change Spatial Analyst
Department: Science & Standards
Division: Strategic Research
Research interests
Geospatial analysis, Modelling environmental change, Environmental Processes and Management.
Lauren Koerner is the MSC Climate Change Spatial Analyst, she is supervised by MSC Principal Scientist Katie Longo, and works to strengthen the scientific evidence that supports the MSC program.
Lauren is currently focused on geospatial analysis of climate change risk to MSC fisheries. This research work aims to find how fisheries might adapt and mitigate against climate change effects.
Prior to working at the MSC, Lauren was trained in Environmental Modelling and Management at King’s College London (KCL) where she gained postgraduate experience in using machine learning for environmental remote sensing and GIS to explore environmental change.
Since joining the MSC Lauren has worked on managing MSC data, building reporting dashboards for colleagues to gain insights on the program, and geospatial analytics of fisheries certified to the MSC Fisheries Standard.
MSc. in Environmental Modelling and Management, King’s College London
Thesis - Use of Sentinel-2 and machine learning in Google Earth Engine for mapping invasive Psidium cattleianum (strawberry guava) in tropical forests of Mauritius
BSc in Environmental Studies from State University of New York at Binghamton
Thesis - Biochar for agricultural soil amendments: An overview and cautions for temperate region application
Recent research
Testing the sensitivity of fishery assessment scores to changes in the MSC Fisheries Standard requirements
Mar 2024 ˑ Marine
Policy 161
DOI : 10.1016/j.marpol.2024.106005
Lauren M. Koerner, Michael C. Melnychuk, Ernesto Jardim
Sept 2022 ˑ Frontiers in Marine Science 9
DOI: 10.3389/fmars.2022.818772
Michael C. Melnychuk, Alessio Veneziano, Samantha Lees, Jennifer Rasal, Lauren M. Koerner, Peter Hair, David Costalago, Daniel Hively, Ernesto Jardim, Catherine Longo
Mapping invasive strawberry guava (Psidium cattleianum) in tropical forests of Mauritius with Sentinel-2 and machine learning
Feb 2022 ˑ International Journal of Remote Sensing 43(3):841-872
DOI: 10.1080/01431161.2021.2020364
Lauren M. Koerner, Michael Chadwick, Emma Tebbs
A Perspective on the Role of Eco-Certification in Eliminating Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing
Aug 2021 ˑ Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 9
DOI: 10.3389/fevo.2021.637228
Catherine Longo, Leah Buckley, Stephanie D. Good, Taylor M. Gorham, Lauren Koerner, Samantha Lees, Shen Yan Liow, Oluyemisi Oloruntuyi, David Schley, Jake Rice, Rohan J. C. Currey
Meet more of the team

Dr. Michael Melnychuk
Principal Scientist (Data Science)

Dr. Katie Longo
Principal Scientist (Strategic Projects)

Samantha Lees
Impacts Research Analyst

Sandra Ougier
Biodiversity and climate change analyst