Every two years, the MSC commissions the largest global seafood consumer perceptions study in the world, polling over 25,000 consumers in 23 countries.
2024 Global Seafood Consumer Perceptions Survey
The Key Facts

Consumers are making changes to their diets

Those eating more fish are doing so for...

Those eating less fish are doing so for...

Top purchase motivators for seafood

Awareness and understanding of the MSC label is increasing

Top three areas of work consumers want the MSC to play a role in

The 2022 consumer insights study
Our studies are conducted by global insights consultancy Globescan and explore consumer trends in and attitudes to sustainable food and consumption.
In 2022 the theme of the study was Changing food choices: Consumers’ responses to Covid, the cost of living and climate.
Globescan presented key findings from this research and their own “Healthy and Sustainable Living” consumer survey in three regional webinars during November 2022. As well as global data, each regional webinar focussed on specific local survey results.
View our 2022 webinar recordings and slides
Watch back as we delve in to one of the largest seafood consumer studies in the world to understand what consumers think and expect.Changing food choices webinar 2022: Americas
Date of issue: | 18 November 2022 |
Changing food choices webinar 2022: Asia-Pacific
Date of issue: | 18 November 2022 |
Changing food choices webinar 2022: Europe AMESA
Date of issue: | 18 November 2022 |
Key facts from our 2020 survey
Concerns for our oceans are driving a new wave of consumer activism across the globe, new research for the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) reveals. Global consumers are increasingly ‘voting with their forks’ for sustainable seafood. The study was conducted in early 2020 by GlobeScan, an independent research and strategy consultancy. It is one of the largest global surveys of seafood consumers, surveying more than 26,000 people across 23 countries.

Date of issue: | 13 November 2020 |