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Whether tinned or fresh, in sandwiches or sushi, there’s no denying tuna is among the most popular and commercially valuable fish around. Sustainable sourcing can be a challenge though.

Sustainable Tuna Yearbook

Our new annual publication builds on the success of the Handbook, offering an authoritative analysis on the world’s market for sustainable tuna.
Sustainable Tuna Yearbook

The MSC is here to help, with the release of a new global edition of our Sustainable Tuna Handbook 

Growing awareness of overfishing, has meant consumers increasingly want to be able to buy and eat their tuna with a clear conscience. Many MSC certified fisheries and partners have stepped up to meet this demand, and they are to be congratulated. There is still a challenge: the tuna market is diverse and complex. From gear choice to catch method and species selection, there are many factors buyers and CSR managers need to consider. 

The MSC Sustainable Tuna Handbook 2021, aims to demystify this complexity. First developed in 2019 by MSC in the UK, the handbook proved popular with processors, brands and retailers. In response, it has now been updated for the global market. 

Launched for World Tuna Day 2021, the updated handbook is packed with explainers, data, case studies and insight from around the world. It busts the myths, answers the questions, and delivers the knowledge readers need to confidently source and sell sustainable tuna. 

2022 update

The briefing below provides an update to key MSC data and insights. It serves to supplement the still relevant context and case studies presented in the 2021 Handbook.

Readers may also be interested in a new briefing explaining the implications of the new MSC Fisheries Standard (version 3.0) for tuna fisheries.

MSC Sustainable Tuna Handbook Update 2022
Date of issue: 11 October 2022
Download download file PDF - 2 MB

Download full 2021 handbook

Large tuna head on blue background with text: MSC Sustainable Tuna Handbook


“Thanks for sharing - it's a really useful and comprehensive handbook.”

Global supermarket chain

“Tuna fishing is a complicated and heavily nuanced subject, with a huge variance of claims and counter claims in the public domain on what does and doesn’t constitute sustainable sourcing. What is clear is that we fully support the MSC and its independent, scientific evaluation of fisheries across healthy stocks, minimising environmental impacts and ensuring they are well managed. To that end we welcome the publication of the Sustainable Tuna Handbook and the clarity it provides to stakeholders”

Major tuna brand

“This would be a very important tool for our current and potential MSC fishery clients”

Tuna processor

More about tuna