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Norwegian Offshore North East Arctic cod achieves recertification

Norwegian Offshore North East Artic Cod will be recertified from 15th August 2021 while Inshore North East Artic cod will no longer be MSC certified, the Marine Stewardship Council confirmed. 

Previous MSC certifications included the inshore and offshore stocks of North East Arctic cod, but the fishery client, Norges Fiskarlag, decided to apply for reassessment to the MSC Fisheries Standard for its offshore fishing only. 

The certification follows an objection process that ended last month after a thorough consultation between the fishery client (Norges Fiskarlag), the Conformity Assessment Body (CAB), DNV and the objector, WWF

The agreement between the parties included that the fishery client, Norges Fiskarlag, commit to an action plan to review alternate measures to further reduce bycatch of golden redfish and contribute to the rebuilding of the stock. 

The accepted proposals have now been implemented by DNV in a Public Certification Report for the cod fishery outside 12 nautical miles.  

Tor Björklund Larsen, Senior Advisor at the fishery client, Fiskarlaget, says:  “We are pleased that the certification process for the cod fishery outside 12 nm has been concluded. Meanwhile, we are already in an ongoing reassessment preparation process for the inshore component of the fishery, and engaged with the Institute of Marine Research and our management authorities to solve the ongoing challenge with the coastal cod stock. Our clear goal is to see the MSC certificates reinstated for inshore cod and haddock very soon. “